New look for LePou's LE456

I understand, great that you already prepared it! I guess you can feel my excitement I have about it.
I'm really sorry but... I can i install this skin? just replace the original bmp with jpg? it works? thanks!
I'm really sorry but... I can i install this skin? just replace the original bmp with jpg? it works? thanks!

No you definitely can NOT - it's not about different background, all the buttons and knobs are in different position and the whole visual logic behind their operation is totally different... This thread is being updated about the progress of this skin/AU version of the plugin, so just wait for the proper release...

BTW, since I'm talking about the updates - the knobs are finally finished (modeled and rendered), so that completes my part of the work (unless Alain finds any kind of a visual glitch which should be a breeze to fix).

I'll talk to you soon guys ;)
Man I can't wait for this! Seriously, out of all the free AND paid amp sims I've played through, nothing touches Legion and LE456! I use Legion mainly for my metal rhythms and LE456 for my leads.

Are there any plans to revamp (or create new) cabinet sims?

LePou, thanks once again for these awesome amps! (I plan on donating soon...I know you have a paypal donation button on your site).
Man I can't wait for this! Seriously, out of all the free AND paid amp sims I've played through, nothing touches Legion and LE456! I use Legion mainly for my metal rhythms and LE456 for my leads.

Are there any plans to revamp (or create new) cabinet sims?

LePou, thanks once again for these awesome amps! (I plan on donating soon...I know you have a paypal donation button on your site).

EXACTLY how I feel - both about the industry of guitar amp sims, AND about the LE456 and Legion... They're simply AMAZING sims!
(Alain, I've never told you this so I hope you'll read it here:))

Anyway, we tested beta version and I think it's all sorted out now... Soooo... I'll hit the drumroll before Alain kicks in ;)
Both VST and AU codes are already ported to Mac. The beta that nervirasme was talking about is the AU version that we have worked on to make sure every controls are located properly. So you can expect a release later this week.