New Metallica

Jan 25, 2008
Los Angeles, CA
Dat kick ¯\(°_o)/¯

St Anger all over again but with the kick this time. These guys have the absolute worst taste in tones and mixes. Song, no comment. It's Metallica. Yeh, I drink Haterade all day.

The drums have a crispy harshness in the high end all over. The cymbal at the end of every bar, holy shit that hurts my ears after a couple of spins.
Well it's not as bad as Death Magnetic or St Anger soundwise but it could have sounded so much better. Typical thin and dry Fidelman drums and twangy guitars. The kick is really distracting but I don't think the general audience will notice. The song is nothing special but I doubt Lars can pull this live without being all over the place.
It's Death Magnetic, but better. I can't believe the guys who were on The Black Album listen to this production and think it's OK. I thought Kirk hanging around Death Angel and Exodus so much might rub off of him, but it doesn't seem so. They desperately need someone like Sneap or Bogren to give them a good production FINALLY.
I don't really know if Metallica need anything. They've been around the business long enough to know what sounds good, and what sells, but they can always do whatever they want and it'll sell huge. It's like they try to make statements with their production, rather than just try to create something that sounds good.

I don't mind the song. It's not incredible but it's Metallica I suppose. They'll never do another MOP or AJFA so I don't expect it. Low expectations allow me to somewhat enjoy their newer stuff I guess.

I just want them to tour again. I've only seen them once and that was 12 years ago.
They desperately need someone like Sneap or Bogren to give them a good production FINALLY.

If I had to "hope" another producer for Metallica, I would go for Tue Madsen for a raw yet killer sounding production. I cannot imagine a Sneap sounding record for them as they're now.
These guys dont make relevant music for almost 20 years. Old bands like them are putting good stuff actually like Testament or Exodus, the music that metallica puts out today pales in comparison with their fellows are doing today.
Their songs sound so uninspiring, washed, boring, predictable. like b sides of b sides!lol
oh well, it´s not just the goddamn awful tone and generic song. It feels like a completely loveless production all over, in every aspect. Almost as if they were doing it on purpose, just to see how far they can go and still sell millions. And people are acting like it´s the shit.

What if they did slightly better stuff in the last 10 years? Would Metallica be even more successful than they still are?
I think the problem with the kick is mainly the dynamics.Furthermore, guitars could have more gain.Obviously, the song is totally lacking inspiration but it's been 20+ years since the latest cool metallica album
You guys are disliking the kick drum because of the volume variations right? Tonewise i think it's ok.
The song doesn't click with me but Metallica fans just seems to dig it.
Hetfields vocal delivery is the worst part to me. The mix almost works in a punk rock old school kind of way.

As a fan of audio that sounds good it bothers me that it doesn't. particularly when I know that these guys could hire anybody they wanted. What frustrates me though, as a fan of the first five records they did, is that you know this is sadly the best they can do anymore. This is the best case scenario.

I honestly don't think I would go and see them if I had free tickets and the day off of work. They have gone downhill so badly. Just a trainwreck
You guys are disliking the kick drum because of the volume variations right? Tonewise i think it's ok.
The song doesn't click with me but Metallica fans just seems to dig it.

I actually don't mind the volume variation but it I think it sounds way too clicky in a bad way, focusing on high frequencies rather than mids. It makes it sound too detached from the other elements of the mix and small sounding. Off course your mileage may vary.
The kick is indeed a bit disconnected but it's kinda part of their signature sound imo. I actually don't find anything bad or good in this song and this is maybe what's wrong I think. It just sounds like the "recent" Metallica, nothing less nothing more. I regret to not hear/feel the bass more.
It's been said times and times again, but Lars' creativity has been lost for quite some time. His beats are always the same. James' voice is not improving with age. And the lyrics... Came out of an andry teenager's mind.

I've not liked their sound (tone) since almost 2 decades....

The rest is "OK".
To be honest having to choose between many songs cant be considered a bad thing :p The majority of bands work like that and it is completely dependant on each band how they like to work, what I want to say is that you cant blame them for having many songs...
Each song was crafted with purpose and intent.

This 100%

Quantity never equals quality.

Personally, as a musician, I can't imagine putting the effort to compose a song just to have it on the side along with a bunch of others and then choose which I like best. If I write and complete a song is because it means something to me and I feel it has a purpose.

Whenever I hear a band having that many songs to choose from, to me it means that they just don't give a shit, they write down whatever shit they come up with and choose randomly at the end to put out an album.

But of course, if you're metallica (or iron maiden, or a bunch of other bands) you don't really have to concern yourself with any of that. You've earned the right to sell millions regardless of quality.
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To be honest having to choose between many songs cant be considered a bad thing :p The majority of bands work like that and it is completely dependant on each band how they like to work, what I want to say is that you cant blame them for having many songs...