New Metallica

This 100%

Quantity never equals quality.

Personally, as a musician, I can't imagine putting the effort to compose a song just to have it on the side along with a bunch of others and then choose which I like best. If I write and complete a song is because it means something to me and I feel it has a purpose.

Whenever I hear a band having that many songs to choose from, to me it means that they just don't give a shit, they write down whatever shit they come up with and choose randomly at the end to put out an album.

But of course, if you're metallica (or iron maiden, or a bunch of other bands) you don't really have to concern yourself with any of that. You've earned the right to sell millions regardless of quality.

That kind of thing is something that always made me thinking. If I put a purpose to myself just to write a Ep with 4 songs, I will have already a hard time writting 4 creative and good songs. Seems quite awkward when I read that someone wrote like 30 songs and then will choose like 8 of them to be on the album.
But the song in the video it´s a good example how they can come with a lot of songs. The song in the video seems that was written in 2h. There isnt any depth, creativity, suprise, excitement in those riffs. Seems like was written by a 16 years dude that plays guitar for a year and want to be in thrash metal band. But the thing with metallica is that if they recorded a 80m album with only farts, it would have people interested and even some would call it art. They are so big in scene that only their name brings curiosity and there are always people ready to spend money on them. Gotta love music industry :thumbsup:
This 100%

Quantity never equals quality.

Personally, as a musician, I can't imagine putting the effort to compose a song just to have it on the side along with a bunch of others and then choose which I like best. If I write and complete a song is because it means something to me and I feel it has a purpose.

Whenever I hear a band having that many songs to choose from, to me it means that they just don't give a shit, they write down whatever shit they come up with and choose randomly at the end to put out an album.

But of course, if you're metallica (or iron maiden, or a bunch of other bands) you don't really have to concern yourself with any of that. You've earned the right to sell millions regardless of quality.
Yea but usually composing works just like mixing, the more you do it the better things (or ideas) start to flow, so having many songs doesn't mean that they are mediocre just because you have many of them. What if the songs a band might have at first are really good and the later ones are even better? You cant judge music by things like quantity>quality, it is never that simple
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This 100%

Quantity never equals quality.

Personally, as a musician, I can't imagine putting the effort to compose a song just to have it on the side along with a bunch of others and then choose which I like best. If I write and complete a song is because it means something to me and I feel it has a purpose.

Whenever I hear a band having that many songs to choose from, to me it means that they just don't give a shit, they write down whatever shit they come up with and choose randomly at the end to put out an album.

But of course, if you're metallica (or iron maiden, or a bunch of other bands) you don't really have to concern yourself with any of that. You've earned the right to sell millions regardless of quality.
Dude, I assume you can't spend the same time on composing songs like professional bands do. Almost all big bands are having a big amount of songs for every album almost ready, i remember reading Geddy Lee saying that he had almost 20-30 songs been left out of his personal record, same thing with Iron Maiden and Opeth. Songs that were leftovers from Maiden's first album ended up on Killers album, does that mean they didnt give a shit? During the first years of their career? C'mon guys...
Composing it´s nothing like mixing. I can mix any day of the week but I cant compose any day of week just because I want it. How many times I grabbed my guitar to write something and played for 2/3h and nothing comes out? I think I lost the count. All the big guys in mixing are putting out almost the same mix over and over with different bands. So how can it be alike?

Even writting a lot of songs doesnt mean that in the thirtieth song I write I will already be a master at it. By that logic the last albuns of Iron Maiden and Metallica would be the best but everybody knows and everybody agrees that their best albuns were done in 80´s. So your arguments dont make much sense.
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Yea but usually composing works just like mixing, the more you do it the better things (or ideas) start to flow, so having many songs doesn't mean that they are mediocre just because you have many of them. What if the songs a band might have at first are really good and the later ones are even better? You cant judge music by things like quantity>quality, it is never that simple

Dude, I assume you can't spend the same time on composing songs like professional bands do. Almost all big bands are having a big amount of songs for every album almost ready, i remember reading Geddy Lee saying that he had almost 20-30 songs been left out of his personal record, same thing with Iron Maiden and Opeth. Songs that were leftovers from Maiden's first album ended up on Killers album, does that mean they didnt give a shit? During the first years of their career? C'mon guys...

Like I said, I can't imagine writing a song (I'm not talking about ideas or riffs, I mean a completed song) unless I think it's worthy to be included in an album. Otherwise I just scrap it from the start. And that's because I've worked on it to make every single detail sound a certain way, it has a meaning, a purpose and it's not disposable. It's the way I write, and it's the way most bands I like write. I can't imagine Hetfield writing the song "One", for example, and saying, ' song, maybe it'll make it in the album'. Sure, if a band works that way I can understand having a couple of extra songs that you have to leave out of an album, but 20-30? Nope.

But, like you said, it's not how every bands chooses to work. Some have a different approach where they write a whole bunch of songs and then choose which they like better. Maybe they're more spontaneous, they're having more fun playing riffs and melodies without overthinking it. I'm not saying it's the wrong way to do it, I'm saying that in my experience it almost always leads to mediocre quality songs. Based on my taste on music at least. I'm not a fan of any of the bands you mentioned, for example.

I want well thought-out compositions that have something to say, they're more focused, and that I feel that some effort and inspiration was put into them, so yeah, when a band writes that many songs I feel they don't give a shit about that. And hearing the music always confirms it.
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Like I said, I can't imagine writing a song (I'm not talking about ideas or riffs, I mean a completed song) unless I think it's worthy to be included in an album. Otherwise I just scrap it from the start. And that's because I've worked on it to make every single detail sound a certain way, it has a meaning, a purpose and it's not disposable. It's the way I write, and it's the way most bands I like write. I can't imagine Hetfield writing the song "One", for example, and saying, ' song, maybe it'll make it in the album'. Sure, if a band works that way I can understand having a couple of extra songs that you have to leave out of an album, but 20-30? Nope.

But, like you said, it's not how every bands chooses to work. Some have a different approach where they write a whole bunch of songs and then choose which they like better. Maybe they're more spontaneous, they're having more fun playing riffs and melodies without overthinking it. I'm not saying it's the wrong way to do it, I'm saying that in my experience it almost always leads to mediocre quality songs. Based on my taste on music at least. I'm not a fan of any of the bands you mentioned, for example.

I want well thought-out compositions that have something to say, they're more focused, and that I feel that some effort and inspiration was put into them, so yeah, when a band writes that many songs I feel they don't give a shit about that. And hearing the music always confirms it.
I dont talk about ideas or scratch riffs either, what I mean is that when you are constantly working songs then ideas start to flow easier and usually that makes songwriting better. A big majority of well known bands (not only giant bands like metallica-maiden) have many many songs almost ready before making an album, there are times that they compose their album during booked studio days but thats because they are touring a lot in between. You cant compare how you are working a song to how a professional band does because there are not so many common situations between us and them. There are many variables not considered and thats why I say it is at least wrong to say things like quantity>quality in music.... I dont think that bands preconsider writing a lot of songs, as i already posted 2 times they might have already songs for the album but they might come up with better ones without counting on that.
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I dont mean ideas or scratch riffs either, what I mean is that when you are constantly working songs then ideas start to flow easier and usually that makes songwriting better. A big majority of well known bands (not only giant bands like metallica-maiden) have many many songs almost ready before making an album, there are times that they compose their album during booked studio days but thats because they are touring a lot in between. You cant compare how you are working a song to how a professional band does because there are not so many common situations between us and them. There are many variables not considered and thats why I say it is at least wrong to say things like quantity>quality in music.... I dont think that bands preconsider writing a lot of songs, as i already posted 2 times they might have already songs for the album but they might come up with better ones without counting on that.

I don't care how big bands work, or the differences between professional and amateur musicians. It's all irrelevant. I'm basing my opinion on what I hear from said bands. So, if a band says 'we had 30 songs to choose from', and hear the album and it's generic shit, and then it keeps happening with other bands too, then I unavoidably reach the conclusion that quantity rarely equals quality (or at least what I personally consider quality).

The albums I enjoy listening to are usually the result of a band focusing on writing 8-9 good songs rather than write a bunch and choose later (to my knowledge at least). It's a different process and in my opinion it yields much better results.

It's my personal opinion based on my experience listening to several bands and how I perceive and write music, and I tried to explain the reasoning (in my opinion) behind it in my previous post.
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I don't care how big bands work, or the differences between professional and amateur musicians. It's all irrelevant. I'm basing my opinion on what I hear from said bands. So, if a band says 'we had 30 songs to choose from', and hear the album and it's generic shit, and then it keeps happening with other bands too, then I unavoidably reach the conclusion that quantity rarely equals quality (or at least what I personally consider quality).

The albums I enjoy listening to are usually the result of a band focusing on writing 8-9 good songs rather than write a bunch and choose later (to my knowledge at least). It's a different process and in my opinion it yields much better results.

It's my personal opinion based on my experience listening to several bands and how I perceive and write music, and I tried to explain the reasoning (in my opinion) behind it in my previous post.
You can believe whatever you want but I posted you examples of bands with great albums released in that way. I mean its very easy and common to put all situations under the same roof and start blaming because they dont suit your style of working or because they dont suit your aesthetic, music is much more than this....
About 30 songs in 8 years......That's not much. And I think that those 30+ "songs" are just "ideas", few riffs, not finished songs with lyrics and everything. Guitar player just can't say that everything that comes from guitar, is going to be the next perfect song to that next album.
I don't believe that's even possible.

At least when I play guitar, I usually have no idea what I'm going to play. If I hear something good, then I write that to GuitarPro or record it, and try to continue that. And sometimes I just leave that and don't continue in a long time, or never. But I can still say that it's a "song idea".
Shit, it's been 8 years? Didn't realize that at all :) Don't really pay much attention to what metallica does the last 20 years anyway.

"Song ideas" and "finished songs" it's a completely different thing and a different discussion, I was talking about the latter. Can't be sure what metallica meant, I guess.

Either way, their new song still sucks :p
Really playing up that moth theme, aren't they. Should went all out and just worn moth costumes and busted out of cocoons like spinal tap.