New Metallica

I can really live with the new song (Moth into flame). The mix/master is MUCH better than on the "Death Magnetic" album imo. It's a bit funny, how the kick is quite pronounced, but that's just Lars. On the black album the kick is very present, too.

I've listened to it 3 times now and I'm really diggin the song. Except the chorus seems a bit getting used to for me.
Interpreting the lyrics, I think "Moth into flame" is the struggle between Mothra and Godzilla. Their never ending battle and the lives affected by it.

I like the 2 new songs and think a bunch of old men with millions (or is it billions?) of dollars and no reason to be angry are doing a pretty killer job.
Snares, snares every where

They've released a video for like every song on this new album. The videos are boring as shit and so are the songs. Go home Metallica, you're drunk.
They've released a video for like every song on this new album. The videos are boring as shit and so are the songs. Go home Metallica, you're drunk.
I havent listened to it as a whole except the 2 songs they released a while ago but I have to say I really enjoyed Halo On Fire
you know what makes this much more enjoyable for me? if i think of metallica as a really heavy rock band instead of a thrash band that used to be good in the 80s. that said, i think this album is much better than death magnetic and the mix definitely seems better on the newest videos for some reason (maybe the early videos were a rough mix/master?) and the bass is more audible. guitars and kick still sound wack though and the snare might as well be a casio keyboard. honestly for the sake of rock and metal in general we should all be hoping that this album does well.
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i think this album is much better than death magnetic
Gotta disagree with you. I know music is subjective, but Death Magnetic had better song structure and kept my attention throughout the whole album. I bought the physical CD of it. Self-Destruct is just boring. The intros all sound the same. The songwriting is bland. This is a swing-and-a-miss for me. YMMV
YMMV indeed. I think the production grabbed me more (hard not to without the brickwall mix) and they also seem more focused on this album. death magnetic had a lot of thrashier riffs, which i like, but the vocals to me are much stronger on the new one and the direction of the band seems a lot more together and less frenetic.

again, dont think of this as a band that used to be cool. fully embrace the dad metal :D
Something that works with about every song fromthe new album : play it at 1.5 times the normal speed,instant thrash metal.
Too bad Lars can't play that...
Very good and fair review of the album. I agree with his rating of the album. You can skip to the last 5 minutes if you don't feel like watching the whole thing.