New Moderator.


Grey Eminence
Sep 30, 2005
Edinburgh, U.K.
Having discussed this extensively with Speed and numerous others the decision has been made to make Nile577 the boards new moderator.

With Speed resolute in his wish to stand down, we both feel that Nile577 is the best candidate. He's a fellow of remarkable intelligence and comes across as someone able to moderate here in a fair and rational manner.

If anyone has any serious reservations, please raise them here - otherwise, we shall contact the boards Admin and see about putting the changes in motion.

This is a good board, we often get side tracked and I understand not everyone is always pleased with the content, but hopefully it can improve.
A poem:Ode to a New Moderator

Fellow searchers, guzzlers of philosophy's heights
Oh lovers of philosophical tomes on lonely nights
Imbibers of big words and complex thoughts
Resolute sophisticates in a culture gone to pot
I offer you a new moderator
Do not deride my choice later
I know you will like him if you give him a chance
Please, give him more than a cursory glance
Then we’ll frolic together in a garden of philosophical delights!
Excellent choice. He was my pick other than I. :p

And I'm sorry to everyone for my lack of discussion. I hope to bring it to a regular status again.
If anyone has any concerns or qualms with Nile577 becoming moderator, please state so soon, before I contact Deron and make this official.
There was a discussion, but it's quite obvious democracy rarely brings out the best outcome. Nile577 will be a fine moderator, I'm sure.
derek said:
There was a discussion, but it's quite obvious democracy rarely brings out the best outcome. Nile577 will be a fine moderator, I'm sure.

Well I was all for the democracy, but then after some unsettling developments (the fact I truly enjoy both Justin S and Norsemaiden, and the apparent schism between many posters) I began working behind the scenes to find a suitable replacement. If everyone would still prefer a democratically elected president, thats fine with me. Then i suppose Norsemaiden would win as she has the most votes.

I guess we went from citizen democracy to appointed oligarchy pretty quick didnt we? This is like a civics class.

Well, like I stated before, sound off if you have a problem. I really am concerned some people might not think this fair or open. If not, by Monday, Illl hand over the reigns to Nile.
I was rather concerned that I would ruffle feathers in assuming the Moderator position (sounds like something from the Kama Sutra, no?) I would never volunteer for such a thing but Speed directly offered it to me, so I thought I would accept. I likewise greatly enjoy the posts of both Justin and Norsemaiden and hope they, along with Speed, continue to post here. I have no objections to any of the above becoming moderator as/when/if needed.

Egos around status on internet boards make me feel ill.
I p-med Deron; so Nile577 shall be moderator as soon as Deron gets around to it.

I thank everyone for the opportunity to lead them in their philosophical search. I'm sure Nile577 will be an excellent moderator. He surely is more qualified than I. Until then, I am going to spend more time with my cabbages and less on this board.
I think speed did an excellent job and I'm glad he's leaving on a high note (if he has to leave).

Nile577, while obviously biased in favor of homosexuals because he is English, is an honest fellow who I think pursues what he sees as the truth no matter how circuitous a route it takes. Let's hear it for the future.