New Music: Weapon Within


Feb 9, 2006
Hello all, my band has just put up some live recordings on our myspace page ( ) with the purpose of finding a singer and letting people hear our music. I know it's a shitty player, and I hope that the recording quality doesn't dissuade you from listening, so please give it a shot. Two of the songs are played with 7 strings (Prime and Cave) and the other two are played on 6 strings tuned to Drop C. All these takes are live (no overdubbs) with 8 mics. For drums we had two overheads (Shure KSM109's), one snare(Senh.421), two kick mics(Audix D6's), two guitar mics(Senh.421's), and one bass mic(Shure B52A). It was recorded on a Roland VS-2400 in our practice room. I know that the recording quality is going to leave a bad taste with some people, but I think that the songs are interesting. The song Cave is probably our most challenging song to play. Anybody know any good singers in the Seatle area?