new music, what do you think?


May 4, 2009

I finished a new song and I'm curious to see what you think about it. It's the first song I recorded/wrote with my new intel i5 computer.
Really great to be able to record everything without having to bounce tracks all the time as I had to with my old core2duo.
This one ended up to be pretty long too, 9:30, haha maybe I'm just trying to fit too much into each song.




and yeah dist guitars are x30, clean gts soloC, drums sup2.0, bass is ampeg svx+x30
wow man,
i am always impressed with your new songs.ahah
i like your clean sounds and dist guitars sound nice too for me.

specially i like drums sound this time, could you give info about? reverb in drums is great.

I love this song Exzem!

This is one the rare songs that I don't see needing any vox at all!
If there were vox, I'd love to hear my guitar hero David Gilmour's take on this.

Rhythm guitars sounds abit dark/muffled but it doesn't lessen the value of this song at all.

The song doesn't feel too long either, and I actually wouldn't mind it being longer, hehe!

Sounds like Pink Floyd with a modern facelift, going straight up to my playlist now :)

The riff starting at 5:27 is one of the best riffs I've heard in a long time, yeah,
I'm always weak for Carcass-esque riffs. wouldn't trade it for Megan Fox or Jessica Alba,
but maybe for both together ;)

This song reflects exactly why I love this forum, so many talents here!
hehe thanks guys. I always try to make my mixes sound different from each other. There is actually 1/4 note delays on the rhythm gtrs (and all other guitars too :) ), thats probably why it sounded messy. Dunno but I liked it, maybe I change my mind in a week or two :)

eternally_gutted: Ah, yeah I use more mics in superior now thats where most of the nice room sound come from. With my old computer I couldn't handle all those mics before everything started to get unstable.
I have amb close, amb mid, amb far and amb mono at approximately the same level in superior, only plugins used in superior processing on those tracks are highpass at around 200-300 hz.
Then I send all of them into a channel in cubase where I compress them, 10ms attack 4 ratio, 300ms rl, taking around 4 db maximum.
Every drum is at 0.0 db level from the amb-mics bleed control except the high hat which are at around -10 db.
For the snare it's a pretty standard plate reverb added with a hp at 250hz 10ms predelay mix 25%, toms also have a plate reverb with 20ms predelay, mix around 35%.
Dunno what I can tell you more... lots of compression in stages, at each drum first, then around 3-4db on the drum buss with 10 ms attack. Finally even more compression with really fast attack just to get rid of unwanted transients.

Tokyurot: Ah, your too kind :) I'm a huge fan of 70:s Pink Floyd, great to see that other people dig them over here!
haha, thanks everyone. If I manage to produce enough material that I'm happy with, maybe I'll put together an album sometime in the future just for fun.
Maybe one of these online distribution companies, would be cool to have stuff on itunes, spotify etc :)
^^^ just use the last 5 you've put on your soundclick page and you are all set.