New Opeth Album

Oh well...nobody gets it.

I was just trying to be creative and see what you would want to see on the next album. Doesnt anyone come up with ideas for what they want the best band in music to do. I know Opeth will come up with stuff just fine...

Let's take metallica for instance, and bare with me because i know how everyone feels about metallica these days. What would you want them to do instead of st. anger. Not master of puppets 2, right. Come up with your new dream metallica album, recapturing the magic of when people liked metallica.

Now apply that same logic to Opeth. How would you dream a new album would be...say for instance you won a crazy contest of design the next Opeth album...and they write the Music. Didint they have one for the cover of Ghost Reveries??

Ok Ok enough is enough if people dont get what i was at..!
Puzzlebox said:
Oh well...nobody gets it.

I was just trying to be creative and see what you would want to see on the next album.

By puting 3-4 random words together as a title and randomly assigning a song length to it?
whats the point its the music we care about and we cant do that for them, i dont care what a song is called or what the cover is, or how long the song is
we just want some good music
We had a thread like this but it got deleted, however I will repost my humorous take on new Opeth album.

Opeth - Orchard



In the ground she was planting
Under the Apple Tree
Sowing (instrumental)
Harvest of October
The Orchard is my home
Ripening (instrumental)
The Applefarmer in Triumph

So there it is everybody, Opeth's new album, coming this fall! :lol: :lol:
Nemesis_lxix said:
So what is the point of this thread ?

Umm... trying to talk about something Opeth-related in a way that isn't somehow circumscribed or downright banned or farmed off into its special sub-forum would be my guess.

*dismal sound of barrel being scraped between uncomfortable silences*
metal_wrath said:
We had a thread like this but it got deleted, however I will repost my humorous take on new Opeth album.

Opeth - Orchard



In the ground she was planting
Under the Apple Tree
Sowing (instrumental)
Harvest of October
The Orchard is my home
Ripening (instrumental)
The Applefarmer in Triumph

So there it is everybody, Opeth's new album, coming this fall! :lol: :lol:

I think the OP had a good idea. We should all come up with pretentious song titles concerning nature, and then give them completely bullshit random lengths. Hmmm... what length should my first song be, "November's Defeat"? I was thinking 36 minutes long initially, but now I've changed my mind. 36 minutes seems to long. How about 31:25? Notice how the number is completely random. This is fun.
I gotta say that I still want BLASTBEATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! on the next album...Not tons...maybe just like some...

Do you think that "new drummer guy" can play blastbeats?
Obviously he can play blastbeats. I've never drummed in my life and I can probably play blastbeats. The question is how fast.