New Opeth Album

Errrr wtf?

I feel like Im picking on this guy by constantly calling him out but its really not my fault he says such retarded shit all the time..

Please explan how Deliverance is a better album than Ghost Reveries?

complex guitar work, no cheese, and has my favorite song by opeth, deliverance.
Deliverance is Opeth's greatest song ever written, imo. Not my favorite song though, Dirge is. Deliverance the album is in my top 3 fav Opeth album's. The atmosphere it creates is haunting and Mikael's greatest lyrical writing is on it. such lines as-

"walk with me, you'll never leave
wait to see, your spirit free.

tell me how your hearts in need
as i drown you in the sea."

But if we are going to debate on which is better deliverance or gr then i think it'll turn into an obvious cat fight. some cant stand deliverance, some cant stand ghost reveries. agree on disgareeing and just enjoy the albums u like.
This is sort of in response to the "Opeth has run it's course" post. I totally disagree with.

Anyway if you could dream up the perfect Opeth album what would it sound like and what would it contain, tracklisting etc.

Here's mine:

1. My Time Alone 12:17
2. Dream Of Winter 36.26
3. Culmination of Loss 18:14
4. Dread Of Things Unspoken 12:17

Each song would explore the heavy side, comingled with the mellow side, leaving plenty of time for the progressive side. It would be the heaviest/mellowest Opeth album.

Anyone have any ideas? You all all just want to flame me?

Fucking idiotic.:zombie:
agree on disgareeing and just enjoy the albums u like.

absolutely. i personally don't really like GR in terms of opeth albums, but i don't shit on people who like it. i just wish stupid fucks like rocky racoon could agree to disagree as well :(
but i really don't know how one can say that dirge for november is opeth's greatest song......

well... it's got absolutely everything you'd consider as opeth:
starts mellow, beautifully sung by mike. after this little part theres this amazing instrumental part. from there it moves on to a heavy as hell part.

What more can you ask for?

anyhow, i think that the new album will be the continuation of earlier stuff in terms of diversity. Also, now that there are new minds in the band i think we can expect some new spirit in Opeth.

so.. Opeth - :kickass: :headbang: :worship:
absolutely. i personally don't really like GR in terms of opeth albums, but i don't shit on people who like it. i just wish stupid fucks like rocky racoon could agree to disagree as well :(

Dude thats pretty hilarious comming from you, you always shit on peoples opinions you dont agree with, all anyone needs to do is scroll through your previous posts to see this. Don't be such a hypocrite!
couldn't agree more ... (except perhaps for the last song BTPISIO, which does seem a bit too incoherent at times, but still rocks).
I really hope the next album will have this darker sound/feeling too it again, because that was something I missed on GR. I still like GR though, and this is not meant to say what Opeth SHOULD do, just that it is something I liked about Deliverance especially, and wouldn't mind hearing again.
whatever the next album will be like, it will certainly be a surprise once again and I'm pretty sure that it will be great once again too (although we never know of course).

I think Blackwater park was a darker sounding album than deliverance AND better written/put together. Deliverance sounds too sterile to really give off that dark atmosphere that we relate to Opeth because of the way it was recorded. It also has one of the worst Opeth songs on it IMO which is, as you mentioned BTPISIO (albeit still good by normal standards) Don't get me wrong though, I love Wreath as a song and Deliverance & A fair judgement are classics. I guess Deliverance just wasn't as consistant as other releases.
Overall, I think Damnation as an album is a lot stronger release than Deliverance even though it strays from the normal Opeth formula by being entirely mellow.
I know what a lot of people mean about Ghost Reveries not sounding as dark though, this has a bit to do with Mike utilizing major chords a lot more on this release which adds a triumphant element to the music at times which is obviously not dark to the ears in itself, but taken in context of the song, I think it remains quite dark.
My hopes for the new album are that Mike expands on the more progressive ideas of Ghost Reveries while at the same time he goes darker than before adding a few more tradional Death/black metal elements alongside the more progressive side like maybe some blastbeats etc as somebody else mentioned..

So basically I want darker and heavier than ever but more progressive too :Smokin: :headbang:
Let's add a rule to the "rule list" (I suppose there is one..). Don't reply to others about the way they wrote a certain word, beCUZ it is badly writhen. If you still understend what he wanted to say, then don't reply. That guy will have poor marks at school for written production, and I don't think that you want to help him when you say "you'RE just a stupid idiot, it's YOU'RE not YOUR, fucking ass whore shit crap penis ejaculation."

That wasn't adressed to you especially, just to all those who do things like that for nothing.
I think Blackwater park was a darker sounding album than deliverance AND better written/put together. Deliverance sounds too sterile to really give off that dark atmosphere that we relate to Opeth because of the way it was recorded. It also has one of the worst Opeth songs on it IMO which is, as you mentioned BTPISIO (albeit still good by normal standards) Don't get me wrong though, I love Wreath as a song and Deliverance & A fair judgement are classics. I guess Deliverance just wasn't as consistant as other releases.
Overall, I think Damnation as an album is a lot stronger release than Deliverance even though it strays from the normal Opeth formula by being entirely mellow.
I know what a lot of people mean about Ghost Reveries not sounding as dark though, this has a bit to do with Mike utilizing major chords a lot more on this release which adds a triumphant element to the music at times which is obviously not dark to the ears in itself, but taken in context of the song, I think it remains quite dark.
My hopes for the new album are that Mike expands on the more progressive ideas of Ghost Reveries while at the same time he goes darker than before adding a few more tradional Death/black metal elements alongside the more progressive side like maybe some blastbeats etc as somebody else mentioned..

So basically I want darker and heavier than ever but more progressive too :Smokin: :headbang:

I liked that sterile sound of deliverance, because it fitted the general atmosphere of the album and the topics of the songs. the mellow part with a fair judgement and for absent friends, is especially great, since for me personally, that is the best mellow interlude on any opeth album. it just kind of fits ... and makes the album a whole.
BTPISIO has turned out that way apparantly because of time shortage (if I remember correctly), so it is a shame yes ...

of course GR is still dark, but like you said, too the ear itself much les dark. if the next album is like GR again in that aspect (and this is perhaps more proggy), than I certainly will not complain :) and I will probably love it as I love all the other ones (including GR) ... but a part of me, deep down inside, hopes for that Deliverance vibe again ;) ... it's kind of what a lot of people have with Morningrise and Orchid I guess. there are only those few albums available which sound like that, and there simply isn't any more of it in the world ... but we all have that feeling with old bands perhaps as well.

oh well, too conclude: it's personal taste once again ;)
Actually "your" does not equal "you're"

Edit: directed to Kenneth R.

I guess you failed grammar then. Read his post and fill in the blank with the correct version that best fits the sentence. :rolleyes:

@Nasty: I apologize for defending the English language against cretins. EDIT: Actually, no, I do not apologize.
I guess you failed grammar then. Read his post and fill in the blank with the correct version that best fits the sentence. :rolleyes:

@Nasty: I apologize for defending the English language against cretins. EDIT: Actually, no, I do not apologize.

lol I was jokingly pointing out that "YOUR" does not equal "YOU ARE," which is undeniable truth. I know what you meant, I was just being a smartass about it. Quit being a defensive bitch.