New possible spins on upcoming Opeth record...

[KOTNO]Narrot said:
i think if you consider paatos - kallocain prog damnation is prog too. tho, it doesnt really matter anyway ...

timeloss goes in many directions, as well as an electronic flurry track on the 2nd side. timeloss is more of its own thing too though, i dont see how those 2 albums have much to do with eachother other than maybe some of the guitar tone, mood and mellotron work.
metal_wrath said:
i assume you were making a joke with your statement, in that case I alreaqdy posted the same joke before you :)


:OMG: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:
I have finally reached 1000 Posts, FTW!!!!!!!
:kickass: :kickass: :rock: :rock: :rock: :Smokin: :OMG:

FINALLY? :lol:
You have only been here 5 months and already got more posts than me and I've been here for over 2 years... Someone needs to get a life I think. I wouln't complain if you actually contributed something worthwhile around here but you don't, Infact as Keith! was saying, lately you seemed to be getting EVEN stupider.... If thats possible.......:erk:
Benighted1 said:
FINALLY? :lol:
You have only been here 5 months and already got more posts than me and I've been here for over 2 years... Someone needs to get a life I think. I wouln't complain if you actually contributed something worthwhile around here but you don't, Infact as Keith! was saying, lately you seemed to be getting EVEN stupider.... If thats possible.......:erk:
Funny, the only contributions you make here are these sort of replies to my every posts. And I can explain having more posts than you because I try to post alot when I am actually on the forum. Whereas people like you just wait for the chance to troll with a post such as this one. So my advice to you is "GET A LIFE".
-Better riffs, more riffs, less repetition. There weren't that many memorable riffs on GR. When Opeth has a riff they like, they make sure you hear enough of it. Sometimes less is more. I would like to see songs be more chaotic structurally, somewhat akin to the early albums, but with rapid movement between heavy riffs, not just soft/heavy/soft/etc. type structures.

-Bring back the ebow. (In a metal context.)

-More of an effort to integrate metal and non-metal parts into the same songs. Since BWP there's been an increasing division between the two, from D1 and D2 obviously, and then on GR where most of the mellow parts were in separate tracks (Atonement, Isolation Years, Hours of Wealth). The balance was best in GoP, TBotH, and R/HF, and those were generally the best liked tracks.

-Vocal experimentation aside from just using effects. Maybe spoken vocals, or different growled styles.

-Allow the keys or bass to carry parts of songs. Mendez has shown to be a solid bassist, and he could easily pull off a bass lead over subdued guitars at certain points.

-Varying solo locations. They were a bit predictable on GR.
NineFeetUnderground said:
you only knew that because i informed your ignorant tart ass.
actually I not terribly interested in every instrument Opeth decide to throw into the mix, and yes your overly enthusiastic mentioning of this particular bit of trivia was one of the factors that led me to post that comment, which was meant as a joke.
NineFeetUnderground said:
look...prog noob...hes also a fan of kiss and joni mitchell...but i dont think the next record is going to take that road my friend. i understand your excitement of finding progressive rock bands and wanting Opeth to become one of them, but i definitely think Opeth isnt shedding their "metal" side any time soon. It wouldnt make a whole lot of sense.

Heh, i wasn't meaning that they would / should get rid of all metal aspects, merely that the psychedelic side may come to the fore, along with teh mEtAl...and im not that much of a prog noob, I started listening to my old man's Pink Floyd albums as a toddler (e.g. saucerful of secrets / meddle etc), not as a matter of choice obviously, but it did in-grain a certain preference to what i would choose to listen to as i aged. I have never been one of these idiots who thinks that the only style of music worth listning to is metal and that everything else is "teh gay".

Now that Per is a full time member, the Deep Purple influence could also have more impact (maybe some John Lord keyboard antics)....whaddayareckon???
Opeth, with GR seemed to evolve. I never could quite understand the bashing it got. To these ears, Akerfeldt's guitar work is excellent, Wilberg's keys flesh out the sound. Lopez's drumming has always been consistently superb on every album, especially on Damnation where he demonstrated restraint. Mendez, keeping a solid bottom. That said, I believe Opeth will only improve. Let's face it, Opeth's mellow songs contain some of the most beautiful melodies ever. So, I would like to hear more "clean" vocals and incorporate more Jazz into their sound. Opeth is and I believe will always be a Metal band. I suppose I'm to the point that there is enough "growled" vocal material. Incredible talent exhibited by Opeth is all musical phases. I expect even better material in the future.
^wtf another pittsburgh native here. where abouts you from? elizabeth here.
MasterOLightning said:
-Better riffs, more riffs, less repetition. There weren't that many memorable riffs on GR. When Opeth has a riff they like, they make sure you hear enough of it. Sometimes less is more. I would like to see songs be more chaotic structurally, somewhat akin to the early albums, but with rapid movement between heavy riffs, not just soft/heavy/soft/etc. type structures.

-Bring back the ebow. (In a metal context.)

-More of an effort to integrate metal and non-metal parts into the same songs. Since BWP there's been an increasing division between the two, from D1 and D2 obviously, and then on GR where most of the mellow parts were in separate tracks (Atonement, Isolation Years, Hours of Wealth). The balance was best in GoP, TBotH, and R/HF, and those were generally the best liked tracks.

-Vocal experimentation aside from just using effects. Maybe spoken vocals, or different growled styles.

-Varying solo locations. They were a bit predictable on GR.

very good ideas
Hello Everyone!
I agree with MasterOLightning's comment on the E-Bow!


That first riff in Moonlapse Vertigo with the "dueling" E-Bows still gives me the chills and I've had SL for 5 years! Using that tool to build melodies is one of the things I really liked about Opeth when I first got into them.

That and maybe some more acoustic passages in the vein of Orchid.

I don't know, my suggestions make no difference to Mike or really anyone else, but I thought I'd post anyway.

Have a nice day.
i think the next albumb should be corpse paint because they are deth metal wtf no corpse paint >:( mikul wuold look good lol also mor deuling solosand i think-that-theyr-song-structure-is-rely-rad-but-it-has-some-mjaor-flaws-wtf hwy dont u play in drop tuning somewhere around low E flat thts all fro now lol!1!!1
^lol ya hihg 5 man


what if mikul painted a badasz drgon on his gutirar!! i think tihs is a gud idea bcause my art tecaher mr grnwald (wee call him mr greenwaldo xD teehe) neways he sayes thta ivzual aides r fery fery inportant to the musical process so if u have a guitarr thats rad but a guitar with a drargon is radder because drgons dont care if u get burnt thye just fly rounda and lsiten to powr metalhereisadragon


omg im so amp'D right now i think im gununna do som jumping jacks whatdoyouguysthink?!?1/1