New possible spins on upcoming Opeth record...

Ghost Reveries is one of the best albums ever made. It dwarfs almost everything Opeth (or anybody) has done before. The guitar, drums, bass, vocals, keys, everything is more precision. The transitions are smoother, the production quality is superior. It will be difficult to top GR. If anybody can though, it is Opeth themselves. I have faith, and am excrutiatingly waiting for their next album.:rock: :notworthy
rfarby said:
Ghost Reveries is one of the best albums ever made. It dwarfs almost everything Opeth (or anybody) has done before. The guitar, drums, bass, vocals, keys, everything is more precision. The transitions are smoother, the production quality is superior. It will be difficult to top GR. If anybody can though, it is Opeth themselves. I have faith, and am excrutiatingly waiting for their next album.:rock: :notworthy
Opeth can do no wrong in my book, personally Hearse is my favorite and I thought the lyrics telling a story that continued through each song was badass
rfarby said:
Ghost Reveries is one of the best albums ever made. It dwarfs almost everything Opeth (or anybody) has done before. The guitar, drums, bass, vocals, keys, everything is more precision. The transitions are smoother, the production quality is superior. It will be difficult to top GR. If anybody can though, it is Opeth themselves. I have faith, and am excrutiatingly waiting for their next album.:rock: :notworthy

Man just because you're on the bands forum, doesn't mean you have to suck their cocks:lol:
rfarby said:
Ghost Reveries is one of the best albums ever made. It dwarfs almost everything Opeth (or anybody) has done before. The guitar, drums, bass, vocals, keys, everything is more precision. The transitions are smoother, the production quality is superior. It will be difficult to top GR. If anybody can though, it is Opeth themselves. I have faith, and am excrutiatingly waiting for their next album.:rock: :notworthy

How can you type with your mouth so full of thick sausage?
NineFeetUnderground said:
I personally thought GR was a big step in the right direction, but panned out to be "getting their feet wet" with some new ideas... the sky is the limit, and they have the world wrapped around their finger...nothing should stop them.

Powers said:
Jazz influences man...jazz influences.

I agree, though Blind Guardian suck:grin: I (as jazzman:cool: ) would like Per to play psychedelic atmosphere more by notes and not sound; listen to the first two "songs" on Terje Rypdal's Vossabrygg, and You'll know. I think Opeth to be the only band I know to be able to blend psychedelic jazz (and rock) of the seventies with death metal. If only they wanted ...
Originally Posted by NineFeetUnderground:
thats nice. as ive said in previous threads...some people are fine eating peanut butter and jelly every single day. some arent. to each their own.

all_sins_undone said:
...why ruin a good thing?

Like clay huts, music just with sticks and skulls, and clubs. Some people like death metal cause it sounds just like their language.
I think it would be cool if the next album had slide guitars, rotating leslies and maybe female vocals on a track or 2.
Damien-X said:
Already been done with MAYH ;)

it's already been done. we definitely can't make another concept album. there's just no way, they've already done it.

Mike should stop growling, he did that in like all of their albums except Damnation. it's already been done.