New possible spins on upcoming Opeth record...

The only thing that matters to me is if it has the Opeth song structure that has been with them all these years. GR proved that they still have it - and I'm expecting an incredible record next time around.
tokernizer said:
i would like to see more twin melodies, like it was in morningrise.

Good luck with that, but I really can't see Opeth taking a backwards step. The next album will be a progression on GR I'm thinking. I'm hoping for more death vocals and less clinical production. Damnation like production maybe? I'm looking forward to hearing what Axe brings to the band.
Give me less repetition, more Orchid-like melodies and bass solos, and I'll be eternally happy. I'm not too picky when it comes to music, so I don't really mind what their next album will sound like. (In My OpInIOn shutup)
hey guys. i'm a long-time opeth fan (having bought orchid in 1997 and systematically purchasing every album since) and a forum lurker, but this is my first post.

i know alot of people got started on opeth with blackwater park (perhaps the album that was not only amazing and accesible to old-time opeth fans, but also the music scene at large), but the older opeth albums (namely orchid, morningrise, and MAYH) have a special place in my heart. i will explain why in a minute, but before that...

i thought opeth's more death metal influenced albums (BWP, Deliverance) were excellent, as usual, but i felt there was something there that wasn't before. missing were some of the grandoise melodies and intricate displays of opeth's prowess, but there was something else. it took me a while to figure out what it was.

now i know there are alot of people who give opeth shit, saying they sold out with ghost reveries, but i'd have to disagree...strongly. yes, they changed quite a bit, but first off, who the hell are you to second-guess a band's evolution. but most importantly, ghost reveries, while different, is more like a traditional opethian epic than delieverance or blackwater park were. example: ghost of perdition. it has the same amazing elements in suspense and awe that brings me back to the Still Life days, something i never really felt on delieverance or BWP. i also really liked the experimentation with middle-eastern melodies on atonement, which stems off from closure on damnation.

if the next opeth album is anything like ghost reveries, which i believe it will be, then i hope to hear some of the same elements that have built the opeth empire in the past.

however, that one thing that's missing, that i havent really felt since perhaps still life, although its elements have been scattered across many albums since then, are those romantic riffs that have captivated me to this day. a prime example being morningrise. to this day, that album never ceases to amaze me. those gorgeous acoustic interludes and romantic riffs are an element i strongly desire to see reincorporated into opeth's music. to give a more specific example, The Night and the Silent Water. horrible recording quality yes, but if you just listen to the guitars do thier thing and the acoustics strum away, its enough to make me melt.

and thats just my fucking opinion. :Smug:

THAT'S WHAT I THINK. Best avatar ever (well, as far as non-pornographic images of her go at least).

They should release MAYH part 2 (with GR production values). Morningrise part 2 would be interesting to hear also. A progression of GR (if you are following a trajectory from BWP to Deliverance to GR) would mean something in between GR and Damnation, I'm sure, and I would just as soon not hear that. But, as long as there isn't another song that repeats as much as the grand conjuration I'm sure I'll love it (most of GR was good besides that song's last three minutes and Atonement).
hahah well dang, you got me there... judging from the typical NFU stuff you'd think she was a singer of an obscure prog band from the 70's :lol:
wankerness said:

THAT'S WHAT I THINK. Best avatar ever (well, as far as non-pornographic images of her go at least).

They should release MAYH part 2 (with GR production values). Morningrise part 2 would be interesting to hear also. A progression of GR (if you are following a trajectory from BWP to Deliverance to GR) would mean something in between GR and Damnation, I'm sure, and I would just as soon not hear that. But, as long as there isn't another song that repeats as much as the grand conjuration I'm sure I'll love it (most of GR was good besides that song's last three minutes and Atonement).
Demon of The Fall part. 2 :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:
billyneverdies said:
hey guys. i'm a long-time opeth fan (having bought orchid in 1997 and systematically purchasing every album since) and a forum lurker, but this is my first post.

i know alot of people got started on opeth with blackwater park (perhaps the album that was not only amazing and accesible to old-time opeth fans, but also the music scene at large), but the older opeth albums (namely orchid, morningrise, and MAYH) have a special place in my heart. i will explain why in a minute, but before that...

i thought opeth's more death metal influenced albums (BWP, Deliverance) were excellent, as usual, but i felt there was something there that wasn't before. missing were some of the grandoise melodies and intricate displays of opeth's prowess, but there was something else. it took me a while to figure out what it was.

now i know there are alot of people who give opeth shit, saying they sold out with ghost reveries, but i'd have to disagree...strongly. yes, they changed quite a bit, but first off, who the hell are you to second-guess a band's evolution. but most importantly, ghost reveries, while different, is more like a traditional opethian epic than delieverance or blackwater park were. example: ghost of perdition. it has the same amazing elements in suspense and awe that brings me back to the Still Life days, something i never really felt on delieverance or BWP. i also really liked the experimentation with middle-eastern melodies on atonement, which stems off from closure on damnation.

if the next opeth album is anything like ghost reveries, which i believe it will be, then i hope to hear some of the same elements that have built the opeth empire in the past.

however, that one thing that's missing, that i havent really felt since perhaps still life, although its elements have been scattered across many albums since then, are those romantic riffs that have captivated me to this day. a prime example being morningrise. to this day, that album never ceases to amaze me. those gorgeous acoustic interludes and romantic riffs are an element i strongly desire to see reincorporated into opeth's music. to give a more specific example, The Night and the Silent Water. horrible recording quality yes, but if you just listen to the guitars do thier thing and the acoustics strum away, its enough to make me melt.

and thats just my fucking opinion. :Smug:

And what an A fucking plus opinion that is. Great first post sir.
Many people here know how much I hated GR, so I wont go into my routine bash of it. I know I will get a bashing for what I'm about to write, but so be it. So, in a "shorthand" version:

What are some of the things would I like to see on the next album?

- bring back some of the dark romance and fantasy of their earlier works... no more supermarket music!

- cut back on the keys

- get RID of those fucking cheap ass chugg riffs, I don't want to hear rock music of suburbia

- expand on the psychedelia i.e. the RECORDED version of Closure, bring in a journey aspect to the sound, create spacials and some vastness, more experiments with Eastern instruments and sounds

- cut back on polished production, find a balance between raw and "finished", bring in some TEXTURE for gods sake: I want to hear the instruments, not a fucking *constructed, merged wav file*

- cut back on the major keys please, enough of the happy vibes!

- up the lyrical structure: the lyrics on GR were appallingly expressed. One thing I loved about Opeth was the complexity of the lyrical expression, more poetics dammit - I want intelligence in lyrics, theyve done it before!