New Redemption disc

Anyone else notice the sticker?


Obviously the proofreader (if there was one) doesn't know who Ray is. As for the contents of the disc.... :worship:rock:
Anyone else notice the sticker?


Obviously the proofreader (if there was one) doesn't know who Ray is. As for the contents of the disc.... :worship:rock:

Both Nick and I "proofread" the sticker and we didn't notice that mistake, damn ... now, I can't find the original file the label sent me, so I can't double check to see if they changed it afterwards ...

Yeah, Ray's NOT a relative of mine.

Anyways, Great Great album. Possibly Nick's overall best (until the next one hopefully). Each song is as consistent as the amazing standout tracks on Fullness of Time, despite the silliness of Leviathan Rising. But I'll excuse that one song based on the medical traumas of Nick's past year. Which I HOPE are pleasantly resolved ASAP.

Didn't Redemption record some cover songs though?
Each song is as consistent as the amazing standout tracks on Fullness of Time

That's the ultimate "bar" to me: those first four tracks off of "Fullness" are maybe the best four track sequence I have heard in all of prog metal. The second half falls off just a tiny bit, but man..... The first half is simply GODLY in its brilliance.

My expectations for "Snowfall" were for it to be a 10/10 masterpiece, as was "Fullness". Sadly, this makes it very difficult to live up to the expectations I had set, usually leading to slight disappointment.

Not this time. This album absolutely rules from beginning to end. I had heard 'Walls" hyped as the next "Sapphire" (with some liking it better), so I actually was a LITTLE let down with that track, but ONLY because it was compared so frequently to "Sapphire". On its own, its a FANTASTIC song, but hey.... "Sapphire" is top five ALL TIME for me, so its no letdown to have it fall short of that lofty goal.

The instruments on this album all shine at exactly the right moments. Their clarity is impressive as hell for an album as heavy as this. So often things become muddled, but not here. Like Claus said above, the drums are some of the best sounding that I've heard in a LONG time. Chris is maybe the most underrated (or simply unknown) drummer around. He stands out clearly on all the Redemption material, and both Prymary albums.

What impresses me most is that this CD doesn't take any breathers. Every single song is nothing short of EXCELLENT. I honestly can't even say which is my favorite (although "Walls", "What Would You Say?", and "Black and White World" all are a close call).

Nick and crew - You have absolutely outdone yourselves..... AGAIN!!! I am amazed to hear four albums as good as all these are, with no sleepers amongst the bunch. Even the best in the genre don't put out four albums of this quality in sequence. (Thinking of my all time favorites here..... Bands like DT, Angra, FW, Savatage....)
I love 95% of this album,. and put it up near "The Fullness of Time" in my top 20 all-time list. And yet, I'd love to hear it remixed with a lighter hand on the vocal processing -- especially on "Walls". I *think* I get the sound they were going for, but hearing Ray in that mode is really jarring and unpleasant to my ear.

Maybe I'm just waiting to hear the live versions. Many many times, at many many gigs. One can hope.
I finally got around to listening to this myself last night. This really is an incredible album. As for the production quality, all I can say is that I thought it sounded fantastic on my own audio rig here (and believe me, this is no slouch of an audio rig I got in this place).
Is it just me or does the production sound a little muddy? I am not a musician and I don't have a trained ear (though it does the occasional trick from time to time)...but in my opinion it does not possess the clarity and crispness of The Origins of Ruin.

yeah the production doesnt sound as good, on Peel it seems like Ray is kinda buried in the mix. He sounds better on other tracks, but it doesnt sound as crisp as the last two albums

That's why I stated it that way...I am not a casual fan of Redemption, I am a frequent spinner of their discography and a huge supporter...but for some reason "Snowfall" does not "sound" like Ruin to me. This is far from a bashing, just a personal critique.

Wow, I thought the same thing. Maybe there's some bad batches out there or something....? For me, it seems the first 3 or 4 songs were mixed by somebody else, then the rest of the album seems more like what I'm used to hearing on a Redemption album. Maybe I'm just too in love with the overall even sound of the previous record, which I thought was top-notch. I have only listened to it on my car stereo....maybe headphones will be a better experience. Regardless, the songs are really great.
Coldie and Scott tried to get me into Redemption prior to Snowfall on Judgement Day - I was not impressed by any means...

But Snowfall on Judgement Day... wow... WOW.. the disc from beginning to end totally blew me away and yep, I own a copy.. In my eyes - masterpiece.. I really love everything about the album..
As usual... I'm late to the party! :lol:

But seriously.... I finally got around to listening to this disc a couple of months ago... DAMN! I thought this was going to be a snoozer... turned out to be a huge ass winner! :OMG: