New Redemption disc

There is no sapphire on it...

Sorry, but I think Walls is the closest thing to Sapphire since that album. If they didn't have Sapphire, I would have said it was their best song ever.

Just my comments after a few times through: Overall, a pretty good album, better than the last one. The standout tracks for me are the aformentioned "Walls", which kicked my ass, "What Will You Say?" and "Love Kills Us All / Life In One Day".
The more I listen to this disc (which could border on obsessive) it gets better and better. I'm a wannabee singer and guitar player and a fanboy of Ray Alder but I believe this is the cd of the year for prog.
I've been a bit of a critic of this band a time or two, but Snowfall On Judgement Day is my top disc of the year. I think it is stunningly good .. especially Walls .. which will be my top track of the year. There are lots of highlights to be found on this disc, and it is strong all the way thru. I think it's far and away their best disc to date.

I listened to it on the plane Monday first was good, but not great. There is no sapphire on it...Ray sounds like he is slowly losing his great range...I'd compare it to a recent Fates disc... its strong but it doesn't compare to the older stuff
I think this is best Ray has sounded in years. I bagged on his singing on the past couple of Redemption releases, but I have no complaints this time .. I think he sound strong.

This one actually took me a number of listens to appreciate. Their previous album I liked immediately. However, after the repeated listens, it definitely is their best. Not a bad track, but "Walls" and the epic closer are truly incredible.
This release requires multiple spins to appreciate the effort put forth by this fantastic band. This cd ranks up there with mindcrime, DT scenes, and APSOG. Ray's vocal approach has changed and I think it's even better.
Blew me away. Leviathan Rising kick arse!!! But my fave track is Walls.
Sometimes i listen and i just hear an extension of Fates Warning but the songwriting is a notch higher than FW.
Ray sounds great. At times Ray channels Ozzy on Walls.
Fantastic album!!!
I bought around 12 CDs at PP and this is the first one I popped in when I got home. It was so good it took me at least a week to start listening to the others.
Is it just me or does the production sound a little muddy? I am not a musician and I don't have a trained ear (though it does the occasional trick from time to time)...but in my opinion it does not possess the clarity and crispness of The Origins of Ruin.
yeah the production doesnt sound as good, on Peel it seems like Ray is kinda buried in the mix. He sounds better on other tracks, but it doesnt sound as crisp as the last two albums
Is it just me or does the production sound a little muddy? I am not a musician and I don't have a trained ear (though it does the occasional trick from time to time)...but in my opinion it does not possess the clarity and crispness of The Origins of Ruin.
I actually think it's one of the best production jobs I've heard in a while. I love the drum sound.

That's why I stated it that way...I am not a casual fan of Redemption, I am a frequent spinner of their discography and a huge supporter...but for some reason "Snowfall" does not "sound" like Ruin to me. This is far from a bashing, just a personal critique.
That's why I stated it that way...I am not a casual fan of Redemption, I am a frequent spinner of their discography and a huge supporter...but for some reason "Snowfall" does not "sound" like Ruin to me. This is far from a bashing, just a personal critique.

I know it was your personal opinion ... I was making a joke. I can't keep my mouth shut when someone says "is it just me ...".

Anyway - I don't hear what you hear - a lot of time went into finding the right producer / mixing engineer for this album, and in my ears it sounds way better than any of the previous albums. As someone pointed out, the drum sound is phenomenal. I also believe the guitars and bass sound fantastic.

Amazing album! It is a must have, and one of my favorites...period.

Walls has become one of my favorite tracks of all time.

Get it, and love it!