New Review on Chartattack?

for those people who cant be bothered going to the site ill copy and paste the review.

"Whoa! Somebody finally found out how to turn down the suck! Now they only need to find the wank-o-meter. Six songs clocking in at 45 minutes? That’s a longer wank than a Ron Jeremy film! Surprisingly though, varied tempos, some super Sabbath riffin’ over Amorphis’ songwriting sensibilities, a couple of Creepshow-style vocal sounds and killer double bass-driven blast beats to keep you entertained and… stunned! Death metal with a stoner rock groove, tight musicianship and actual ideas other than "Hey man, let’s scream a lot and play really fast and shit so no one’ll know we suck." It’s like, Six Feet Under gone right! Keith Carman"
After reading it again. I think he likes it. What he is saying is that Opeth took him by surprise by being a good death metal band. To me most death metal isn't all that great.

I don't think he's saying Opeth are like SFU, I think what he meant is that SFU have the mind set of "Hey man, let’s scream a lot and play really fast and shit so no one’ll know we suck." While Opeth are death metal that doesn't go that way.

I could wrong.