New Slate Drums 1.5 Elite Mixer Series


Jan 2, 2007
Whats up Sneap guys, just announcing a soon to be update, Steven Slate Drums 1.5:

This update will DOUBLE the current collection. The new drums that will be added to the collection are ALL CUSTOM DRUM SAMPLES that I have made for some of the top mixers in the industry. We are calling them the Elite Mixer Series. They came to be when a series of top mixers and producers requested certain sounds for the records that they were working on at the time, which I would then produce for them. After thorough beta testing and tweaking and use in some of the biggest hits, this new series of kicks, snares, and toms is some of my proudest work yet. The variety of sounds is also quite vast, from drums designed for reggae, to drums designed to be ultra fat and huge. I was able to use some of the very best eqs, compressors, and processors for these drums... and the drums themselves are all world class. And yes, there is sidestick set. The result sounds like drum heaven.

Then there is the Z4 room ambience sets. If I had just printed two room mics unprocessed, it would have been rather boring, especially since the drums were recorded in such a beatiful sounding room. Instead, a series of mic's captures the room, some getting direct sound from the drums, some getting ambiences from walls and glass plates. All mixed together and compressed and eq'd with some of the most drool worthy gear. As a finishing touch, a tiny little blend of modulation ensures that when the ambience is mixed in with the Z1 drum samples, the depth, dimension, and BIGNESS becomes so rich and real, you'll swear that you are standing in the drum room. Thats not sales jargon bullsh*t. Thats what people are saying.

Along with the highly praised version 1 drums which are currently used by thousands of mixers both big and small, this new set will make you a proud owner of some of the best drum sounds on the planet. I appreciate everyone thus far who has given me such fine remarks on the drums, and especially all those who were kind enough to send me or post mp3s of their mixes with the samples. Definitely makes the long 12 hour days worth it. I'll be posting some mixes with the new Elite Mixer series drums VERY SOON.

Expected release early August. Version 2 expected release (with cymbals and custom sampler) early September.

Expected release early August. Version 2 expected release (with cymbals and custom sampler) early September.

I am a bit confused here. What´s exactly this "version 2"? Is that "free cymbal pack an sampler map upgrade" or it´s something different?
This custom sampler is like some kind of special VSTi to load the samples?
Version 2 will have the cymbals and a sampler ala EZ drummer/BFD to program the drums. Its going to be f*cking cool. But till then, 1.5 will blow your minds. Even the current 1.0 drums have some cool upgrades, as well as Z4 real room ambience files for each one. I'll have demos SOON, you guys have to hear these drums.