You know what? I have almost no pressure on me to succeed academically from my family. They basically barely know what I'm doing. I did well at GCSE, getting a few As and nothing below a B, then badly at A level, getting 4 bad passes. I've been given 3 offers at some universities to study modern history and politics courses. I'm not a very competitive person. Basically I just look at things from the perspective of; what am I going to get out of this, why should I do it, will it benefit me immediately or is it a bit pointless. I mean, for a while, whilst doing my GCSEs, when I was getting A* in every practise exam I was quite into 'the game' and I'd get really upset about getting one or two marks dropped over something but in truth that was because, in those classes there was a girl whom I was very much in love with (from first sight)who I had overheard describing me as an idiot. Anyway basically she left after we did our GCSEs. I really don't get on with my parents, I hate living at home. Anyway, I'm going to be moving out when I go to university, which is something new to look forward to I suppose. I am treating this degree, obviously, as an opportunity to get in the right mode for achievement. Start doing well again basically. I want the most recent and highest level of qualification to really represent what I can achieve.
Also, I don't think this will exactly impress anyone, in fact it may lower your opinion on me, but the fact that I very strongly desire to lose my v completely distracts any long chain of thought.