New Social Thread

When the Jews return to Zion
And a comet fills the sky
V5 rises
And you and I must die


for the first time in my life i have over 1000 dollars in my checking account. hail satan

I have that much in mine about twice a month, but it only stays there for a few days. :waah:

I hate to burst your bubble, but 1,000 dollars doesn't buy very much any more. Maybe 20ozs of silver if you bought today.

Wow, weed is more valuable than silver?!?!?! (420 pot reference herp de derp)
ML is right; that's my checking.

I don't save money very well though in any case, but I also do own a car and shit. And yes, I do currently have a job but don't work as much as I wish I could due to it being the last semester of school. I'm 22, Dak, I'm not looking to start a family right now :erk:
Whenever I think about money in my account, my immediate thought also goes to how much silver I can buy.

What the christ.

I'm unfortunately looking at not having money for a long time, since I have to pay off student loans and find a job. Only been out of work for six months. But still, six months worth of bullshit pay is better than no pay at all. I can't say I miss the job though.
I got 270,000 in my checking account today but at lunch I sent home 100,000 and lent a friend 30,000. I <3 payday.

Money sounds way cooler in yens than dollars.
I got like 400 on my paycheck today. The brunt of that tons of money I made in a week (yeah that 1,000 was pretty much made all in the span of a week) was from state tax return and an unexpected (and erroneous) check a company I worked for last year sent me for much more than I expected.
eh derrrr erebody

I am slightly inebriated, and in my inebriated state, I began to want nothing more than to move to New York! Anyways, any advice? Places to get jobs? What kind of work is easy to get? Any advice in general would be great, from those in the know