New Social Thread

My virtual existence is soon ending. Real life friends are good for me.

These peoples... When I hear their name I spit on the ground. There can be no forgiving these people. The blood on my hand washes away, but the blood on theirs is on the hands of their children. A good one is a dead one.
Cunts just ain't postin' in the GMD no more
Goddamn fuck shit's become a bore
It's enough to make you cut of your head with a blunt chainsaw
Cos cunts just ain't postin' in the GMD no more
I wonder that too since every time my brother arrives from traveling my mom always tells my brother that every time he arrives home there's always a couple of unpaired socks in his bag.
So, I quit my job of two weeks "working" on mining explosives. The company had no sense of organization, expected me to live out of a suitcase for 3 to 6 months and eventually get me settle down in a country town and still travel back and forth all around remote locations in Australia 3 out of 4 weeks in a month. On top of that, I was a glorified chemist's lab assistant. There was no one under 45 whereever I worked, and on top of that they expected little to no engineering from me.

Best decision I've made, because now I got a job working as a safety and risk engineer for a consultancy firm that specializes in dangerous goods, minerals and oil & gas projects. I get put on projects with big companies and work and network with them. I also get to go on site visits on off shore and onshore platforms for auditing, designing their worst case basis dispersion models. Getting 80k a year for a city job as a fresh grad. Fuck yeah.

I've quit smoking, it's been a week now and I've been on the nicotine mints. I haven't had any smoking cravings but I've noticed that I've started to get slightly paranoid if you could call it that? I've been thinking of alot of "what ifs" and getting a little irritable about silly things.

I've also started exercising 4 times a week, hopefully push it up to 5. Weights 3 times a week, yoga once and I want to either run or go do martial arts on another day.
I've quit smoking, it's been a week now and I've been on the nicotine mints. I haven't had any smoking cravings but I've noticed that I've started to get slightly paranoid if you could call it that? I've been thinking of alot of "what ifs" and getting a little irritable about silly things.

I've also started exercising 4 times a week, hopefully push it up to 5. Weights 3 times a week, yoga once and I want to either run or go do martial arts on another day.

HOly crap. Well good for you I guess. New years resolution?
Sorta, but just wanted to get back into exercise in general. I've always had a relatively addictive personality so what I do is I replace one addiction with another. I was at a party last night and everyone was smoking, I stuck by my own words and didn't even ask or think about it.
looks like 2012 is the year of Episteme

got back from San Francisco yesterday. If you ever have the chance or thought to go there, do it. It's a fucking blast. It has the culture and community feel I wish Los Angeles had. Went to a few museums, did some touristy things, ate a shit ton of food and had a few beers. It was a blast.
I'm really happy. My brother got me the new Kindle Fire for Christmas and I'm really enjoying surfing the web with it. Actually, I'm posting this with the Kindle. I've never bothered to turn on my laptop for two days. Shit is good.
looks like 2012 is the year of Episteme

got back from San Francisco yesterday. If you ever have the chance or thought to go there, do it. It's a fucking blast. It has the culture and community feel I wish Los Angeles had. Went to a few museums, did some touristy things, ate a shit ton of food and had a few beers. It was a blast.

Agreed. San Francisco rules. I went to LA, and it was a little spread out for my taste. It annoyed me having to take a bus and/or get on the highway to get from Santa Monica to Venice, or from any place to any other, really. I thought the streets were a little too wide, too.

But whatever, I'd still live in LA. Lots of people, and lots of stuff to do. But I'd rather live in San Francisco.

San Francisco reminds me of Hong Kong, except without feeling like you're in a sauna half the year.