New song available from my band

May 6, 2001
Well, its about time you guys were given the opportunity to hear my band... i just finished writing and recording a basic demo of a new song for that band so i figured i may as well upload it and see what you ppl think. Id really appreciate some comments on this song.

Unthroned - Untitled (8:51) (4 MB)

A few things you should note:

- This is from my band Unthroned, NOT from my solo project.

- Recording quality isnt important at all, this is a demo for the rest of the band to learn from, so drums are programmed (by me, not by the drummer of the band), no bass, no vocals, no keyboards, no care taken with the guitar sound, not perfectly in tune guitar at a few points (poor intonation actually). etc. etc.

- The playing is messy at times. I was recording parts as i was writing, so the playing isnt perfect. Like i said, this is just for the band to learn from so i didnt care about such things.

- Its all written by me. Which means its lacking a lot of what "Unthroned" is. This song is an exploration of one of the styles we play.. Our other songs contain death metal, swedish death metal, slam, etc, etc.... a bit of everything, so just remember that. We are a 6 member band so a song written by one person is not an accurate way to judge our complete style.

- Our songs are always evolving and changing. This is simply the first complete version. Once the bassist, vocalist and keyboardist write their parts and once the drummer gets to play the drums (since i dont really know what im doing when im programming drums!! hehe) no doubt that will cause some changes/perfections.

So basically this should let you judge the music of the song and whether you like this aspect of our style and such, not how its played/recorded.

So yeh, tell me what you think. :) Any comments and suggestions are welcome. Criticism is always good! :)

I really do need honest feedback for this song since its in a genre im not completely familiar with so i dont know where i stand.

hmm... enough talking
Yayo, this song sounds quite good! This shows insane amounts of promise. I'd critique the song a bit (although I'm not much of a music critic), but as far as I can tell, the quality of the song is very good. I can't wait to hear a complete version :)
Originally posted by joker (Ravaged)
what style of music do you play??
Good question. Theres a bit of black metal in there, a few acoustic pages... all very evil and minor sounding. Hmmm.... i dont really know what this song is classified as. Download and see for yourself. :) Its ever changing and evolving.... melodic.... very emotional... hmmmm

Maybe someone else can post a description of the song since im so bad at it!

Originally posted by transfixed
Yayo, this song sounds quite good! This shows insane amounts of promise. I'd critique the song a bit (although I'm not much of a music critic), but as far as I can tell, the quality of the song is very good. I can't wait to hear a complete version :)
:) Thanks!
hehe, yeh i know. I only found out about Enthroned a few days ago in this very forum. I wasnt in the band when it was named though so im not responsible. At least we have one different letter in there.
Originally posted by YaYoGakk
hehe, yeh i know. I only found out about Enthroned a few days ago in this very forum. I wasnt in the band when it was named though so im not responsible. At least we have one different letter in there.

yeah there are too many bands with throne(Darkthrone,God Dethroned,Hecate Enthroned,Enthroned,Throne Of Chaos,Throneaeon and my band Overthroned...)
Do you take suggestions? It seems to me like an instrumental guitar song to me. Your riffs focus alot around your leads, if you ever wanna include vocals in the band ( you should, it screams give me a solid growler to me ) you should considering letting the keyboard player play over half your leads with some short of strings or voice settings, wich might make the song too admosferic but not if you keep basically the same attributes, in wich case would sound much more interesting and much less generic.
Originally posted by Misanthrope
Do you take suggestions? It seems to me like an instrumental guitar song to me. Your riffs focus alot around your leads, if you ever wanna include vocals in the band ( you should, it screams give me a solid growler to me ) you should considering letting the keyboard player play over half your leads with some short of strings or voice settings, wich might make the song too admosferic but not if you keep basically the same attributes, in wich case would sound much more interesting and much less generic.
We do have a vocalist, and obviously he will be singing a lot in this song. Keyboards will be added like you say. Like i said, this is simply an initial demo of the rough guitars and basic drums.. once keyboards/vocals/bass are added and drums are played properly then the guitars will undergo many changes to fit in and stuff, its quite possible second guitar parts will be transferred to keyboards, or even replaced by vocals, or rewritten to be less leady. This was always going to be the case. Remember there are still 5 members of the band left who havent put their share into this song yet, its only an early demo in the life of this song.

Thanks for the suggestions though :)

(and you shred more in this heheh i never heard that from you until now!!)
hehehe, a little more yes. I never go all out and shred to my full potential though.

thanks bumblefoot and hearse for taking the time to listen and comment :)
It can be painfull. Between playing gta3 and morrowind for like 8 hours at day and practicing my speed playing on guitar for an hour or 2 each day, AND rehearsal 4 days at weeks 2 to 4 hours, my hands are fucking killing me =(.