New song with vocals - Gearbox - DFHS 1.0/2.0 - Slate


Jan 31, 2006
Hola gentlemen. I was able to mix another song with vocals called 'Clouds at 4:00' and here's the first draft.

There's a lot of bells and whistles that are missing from this version that I'll be adding to the final mix like the keyboards and ambient guitars to give it a little more of a larger vibe, but I think you'll get the idea. The vox need to gel better in the mix and there's also some unnatural drum stuff going on too in spots that I plan to fix. How does this sound so far?
Yeah, aside from actually having vocals, this version has completely different drums, bass, guitars, etc. Just block that old version out!
Now these are the best drums I've heard from you Matt!! To my ears they sound realistic with a modern production vibe. Vocals again need to fit better IMO. But maybe you are still working on that? But the drums are seriously amazing and bass was sick as well. I'm hoping you can share exactly how the hell you got the drums to sound like that!!
Now these are the best drums I've heard from you Matt!! To my ears they sound realistic with a modern production vibe. Vocals again need to fit better IMO. But maybe you are still working on that? But the drums are seriously amazing and bass was sick as well. I'm hoping you can share exactly how the hell you got the drums to sound like that!!

Thanks! Yes the vox definitely need to be glued into the mix because they are kind of riding on top of everything. As far as the drums go, its basically the same setup I used on Wake Darker Skies, DFHS 1 for crashes and DFHS for drums. There's a lot of the room drums in the mix and also a hint of Slate's 7Z4 snare for the ambience. Kick is Slate 10Z1.
The tempo change at about 1;30 was a bit too sudden I think but its probably too late to change that now. Seriously good job with the drums.. I don't usually like Slate drums in a mix as they can often sound fake, but you've nailed it.

Only thing I'd change would be to add a download link! :)

edit: wow just reached the screaming bit... didn't know your singer had it in him! Sounds awesome
Awesome man! I'm only listening on computer speakers but that bass tone is awesome!! Any details on that?

The vocals RIP!!!!!!! Sounds like a blend between old school Maynard and the guy from Chevelle in the chorus - I love em.
Wow another amazing song. The bass tone is the best I have hear. I don't know the old version. Man I like your guitar riffing :)
Have you used the same line 6 file?
bass sound kicks ass, vocals sound really good IMHO!
how did you get DFH and Slate to "fit"?
do you have a special drum map or somehting like this?


EDIT: damn, this is a really nice song, is there a direct download link somewhere!?;)
Sounds really professional and I can't emphasize enough how amazing the bass tone is!
Gotta love the Maynard'ness in your singers voice.
edit: wow just reached the screaming bit... didn't know your singer had it in him! Sounds awesome

Thanks! Yeah he's got it in him. You must have never heard this one:

Awesome man! I'm only listening on computer speakers but that bass tone is awesome!! Any details on that?

The vocals RIP!!!!!!! Sounds like a blend between old school Maynard and the guy from Chevelle in the chorus - I love em.

Thanks man! The bass is an old Fender P Bass with a Quarter Pounder pickup, then into Gearbox. Separate patches for body and distortion and tons of post processing. I didn't use 3rd sub bass patch like I normally do on this one.

Wow another amazing song. The bass tone is the best I have hear. I don't know the old version. Man I like your guitar riffing :)
Have you used the same line 6 file?

Thanks dude. Yes its the same patch I used and posted in that other song.

bass sound kicks ass, vocals sound really good IMHO!
how did you get DFH and Slate to "fit"?
do you have a special drum map or somehting like this?


EDIT: damn, this is a really nice song, is there a direct download link somewhere!?;)

Thank you much! The Slate drums are merely triggered with Drumagog, not another VSTi like kontakt so no map was needed. The kick is 100% replaced, but you can hear a ton of the kick in the room mics. The snare body is almost all DFHS 2.0 and the reverb portion is from Slate's ambient 7Z4 sample (heavily compressed for sustain).

Sounds really professional and I can't emphasize enough how amazing the bass tone is!
Gotta love the Maynard'ness in your singers voice.

Thanks again! I'm glad so many people are digging the bass tone! I'm trying to get a mixture of Prove you Wrong era Prong, some Killing Joke and Godflesh all into one. Its funny how the bass player for Killing Joke (Paul Raven) played for Prong and Godflesh at certain points, even though he didn't play on Prove you Wrong. RIP Raven!
Sounds great dude. I dig that you're getting more into using room mics for drum body. It's a great thing when it's available. Your vocalist is doing a great job. These days so many bands wreck their arrangements with a generic core/screamo clean/growl guy, but your vocalist has his own character and complements the music very nicely.

Is there any chance we can get some more specific details on how you processed the bass? I've always loved the tightness and grit you get out of it, and it's been the hardest point for me to hit with my own mixes!
Sounds great dude. I dig that you're getting more into using room mics for drum body. It's a great thing when it's available. Your vocalist is doing a great job. These days so many bands wreck their arrangements with a generic core/screamo clean/growl guy, but your vocalist has his own character and complements the music very nicely.

Is there any chance we can get some more specific details on how you processed the bass? I've always loved the tightness and grit you get out of it, and it's been the hardest point for me to hit with my own mixes!

Thanks Ermz! The compliment on the vox is huge as that's the goal we're trying to achieve.

For the main bass, the chain is exactly this
PODx3 for direct box > Gearbox > Curve EQ > Q10 (with narrow rips at 65hz and 110hz (specifically for the Fender)) > Voxengo Marquis compressor (in parallel mode) 50% wet/dry. Attack 0.01, release 100ms, 50:1 ratio, soft knee at 40db (max setting). Then that goes into a L1 and I drag the threshold down until the audio is limited at all times, anywhere from -2 to -12 peak gain reductions. No dynamics whatsoever.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I use a release from 50ms to 200ms on the limiter depending on the riff.

For the distorted bass, I use the same gearbox patch I use for guitars but with less gain, then highpass at 800Hz, lowpass at 3000K and limit in the same exact fashion, but not as hard. Just mix the two faders to taste and away you go.
Oh shiieeeett:OMG: Fucking awesome!!
Sounds great Matt, I always love your snare tones :D.
Thanks guys!

Impressive. Plain impressive.

So... you got back into gearbox from POD farm?

Thanks! Sorry, PODFarm/Gearbox, same exact sound except for dual tone possibilities. Yes it was PODFarm, I sometimes forget! When I use single tones, I always use Gearbox because it doesn't take as much CPU.

The OHs sound weird and the hats are panned too hard. Guitars are a tad muddy but overall it sounds pretty good! A small highend boost maybe?

I'll try to fix that. Thanks for the suggestion!

Sound big, expensive and awesome! I can agree with the "vox embedding" issue, but it sounds really good. Nice to hear him add the second gear. ;)

Thanks Jocke!