New SUPER FAT Metal Drum Samples

Another perfect excuse to bring out....

I really appreciate the honest and helpful responses, no joke. Even the hostel ones. :)

Totally bad marketing on my side to put down other guys who are a billion times more established than me. I was trying to make a point and got way carried away..

My theory on drum samples is definitely quality over quantity. I am not trying to scam anyone as some people in the forum are hinting!! I'm an honest dude trying to get my drum sounds out there!!!

Once again, I am definitely gunna lower the price. Im new to the drum sample game so I really value the input. Seriously. If the consensus is that the price is way too high, then I'll lower it ! I've had this stuff out for like, 48 hours so I'm just stoked that I was able to sell the 7 or 8 copies and get some feedback in such a short amount of time..

Once again, Thanks for the feedback and I hope some of you guys can put my tones in your productions and forgive me for my far - from - professional attitude :oops:

Yeah I'm sorry dude, but your pack is overpriced and doesn't even sound very good. Bermuda is local and I can't stand that CD, but I'm really curious if you actually recorded these samples or just pieced together from other stuff, which is totally illegal if you used Slate/Superior.

I would never do that !!! All samples are recorded from about 8 or 9 drummers that I've recorded in the last couple years... Of course, the processing is nice and heavy..
I can't wait to get Lasse's samples. Loving the fuck out of the alestorm drums. Yours sound good too though. Will definitely consider them if the price is right
OMG the guy talked against Sturgis and slate:cry:

not getting it?
let me help you: the Problem is not that a guy talked against Sturgis/Slate, the problem is that he's trying to be competition but his strategy to sell is not "my samples sound good, listen" but "the others are all shit"....
and that is no way to behave as a grown up.

if you've got a product...awesome, advertise it, sell it..but don't think you'll sell more just cause you trash talk about the competition.

And the OP has recognized and admitted it, also said sorry all good.
just trying to explain why he got flamed in the first place.

To the OP: good look with your samples, I'm gonna check them out myself
not getting it?
let me help you: the Problem is not that a guy talked against Sturgis/Slate, the problem is that he's trying to be competition but his strategy to sell is not "my samples sound good, listen" but "the others are all shit"....
and that is no way to behave as a grown up.

if you've got a product...awesome, advertise it, sell it..but don't think you'll sell more just cause you trash talk about the competition.

And the OP has recognized and admitted it, also said sorry all good.
just trying to explain why he got flamed in the first place.

To the OP: good look with your samples, I'm gonna check them out myself

I appreciate the understanding man,

Wait for my new stuff to come out before you get anything, It will be a better
deal and offers a wider variety of drum tones :)
Haha, I see you edited your original posts. Honestly, I don't know if people are serious when they say your drum samples are not that good or if they are just bitter about what you wrote. I think yours are some of the best I've heard. I still like Lasse's the best and I'm not a huge fan of Slate for some reason. For $29, I'm definitely going to check it out
At least he can't edit peoples quotes..

I still think the samples sound alright..
But yeah.. the price is still too high..
Sell'em cheap.. give away some for free..
Make a name for yourself first..
I understand where his original comments are coming from, not that I would agree with them. But I do not ever find the samples he was bashing useful in my mixes.

Maybe instead of saying they are shit, say they do not fit your mixes. They do seem to fit tons of peoples mixes.
Checked the samples, velocities didn't seem to be dynamic enough for most mixes i do. "sonic" quality didn't seem too bad over all. Way over-priced. Although i would be interested to hear the other kits your were talking of sampling, maybe i'd purchase if the price was right.
At least he can't edit peoples quotes..

I still think the samples sound alright..
But yeah.. the price is still too high..
Sell'em cheap.. give away some for free..
Make a name for yourself first..

Haha, you got me there.. I want to try to be as respectful as possible so as not to start another uproar, figured the best option was to re-work my comment to "translate" into respectable terms.

Also, to anyone who is thinking about buying them, you should refrain for a couple days. I am going to release another pack, this time, using a different approach. You will be able to buy the 1st kit and the 2nd kit for a combo price. The drums will be divided into 6 different folders, each with 7 soft, medium, and hard velocities. 5 of the folders will contain the different aspects of the drum (PUNCH, CRACK, BODY etc...) and 1 will contain the "FULL" snare. So really, instead of 1 kick, 1 snare, and 3 toms, you will be getting 6 kicks, 6 snares, and probably something like 9 toms, which you can then manipulate yourself if you wish, or, just use the full sample.

Among WAV and .GOG files, this time, I may include a .TCX file for trigger, containing the 5 aspects and the 1 full, as Trigger lets you do that.

I have to go record new tom samples and will have everything up soon after that. Hopefully within a week.

Happy Triggering !
