We'd love to play in Gothenburg but we're too afraid of that green rabbit 
Seriously...hopefully more gigs this autumn....

Seriously...hopefully more gigs this autumn....
Originally posted by Primator
Concerning forum@ ultimatemetal: I´ve sent material to Mark....so hopefully soon!
Originally posted by markgugs
Oh, that IS great news! Thyrfing is far and away one of the greatest bands on the planet IMO.
Originally posted by The Nomad
Huh. I admit that I haven't tried TOO hard to get into them, but I just can't get over the vox... they drive me nuts.
We'd love to play in Gothenburg but we're too afraid of that green rabbit
Seriously...hopefully more gigs this autumn....
Originally posted by The Nomad
but I do remember not liking "Home Again"wave: Blackspirit)