New track. Very disappointed.

I don't see what everyone's complaining, I love the song. Everything sounded good to me. Already one of my favorite Opeth songs. Whatever. Pointless thread, in my opinion.

Oh, and 3 toed sloth, where do you get your sigs? That one is so funny.
Apprentice's Master said:
Moringrise was no Orchid, MAYH was no Morningrise, Still Life was no MAYH, BWP was no Still Life, and Deliverance was definitely no BWP. Yet, all of those albums had the signature Opeth sound, each song showing characteristics that only a band like Opeth can come up with. With "The Grand Conjuration", I sense the Opethian ambience and guitar layering, but the riffs, the solo and even the overall structure of the song seem a bit out of their flavor.

Exactly my point about half the fans here hiding behind an excuse of the rip being bad quality. When the song comes out properly, its going to sound just as bad but in better quality. You people cant deny that what Apprentice's Master has just said is completely true and backs up what me and alot of other people are trying to say. This just is'nt opeth anymore.

And to the people who are a saying we cant even here here the keyboards until the chorus, wtf are you talking about. You can here synths and keybaords throughout the whole song. They sound very basic, uninteresting and overly bland.
the_3_toed_sloth said:
Wtf? The Funeral Portrait, while an awesome song, is mostly repetition. This is EXACTLY why the band did not want that mp3 circulating btw...people judging their hard work based on a poor quality radio rip. I wouldn't criticize too much when you have not heard the proper release - AND in its proper context.

Oh, and you spelt intricate wrong.

Are you mental. The funeral portrait is hardly repetition. Its almost a 12 bar song that goes through many different riff changes. Just because the song repeats the two main riffs twice, it cant be classed as a repetitive song.

And hitting me where it hurts with my spelling like that was cold.I did'nt get any sleep last night.
I think the new material is amazing and I think it's fun when bands change, if Opeth had made another Morningrise it would have been boring. I like every album for what they are and I think they are getting better for each release.
I respect everybody's opinion but I like to be more open minded.
Can't wait for the new album to hit stores. :wave:
Themoor666 said:
you mean when you listen to music it doesn't come out of the speaker and give you a handjob??? well actually... I do think TGC is a pretty good song. I like the main riff, the vox are decent, and the growling sounds pretty nice. And the solo is pretty damn cool as well. I just wish that someday Opeth (hopefully on Ghost Reveries) will bring back some of those nice acoustic pieces like Morningrise.

Yes i agree, i think its a good song.
I wish people would just give things a chance, hear the whole album at least, then talk all the shit they want afterwards. I'm sure there will be some acoustic pieces in there, who knows TGC could be the oddball track of the album too.
you idiot. That's pretty goddamn Typical of any song ever made. And basically exactly what I said. Congrats on being redundant.
I heard that they were heavily inspired by korn this time around.

Munky came into the studio and was like "where is da groove y'all" and he had a long chat with Opeth about how music should be about evolution. So Opeth went back and made a lot of changes. They were even thinking of getting that dude from RATM to come and rap on a few tracks.

Dream Theater do it all the time. Why not Opeth?
just thought I'd clarify that although the song seems repetitive as fuck and opeth is starting to lose the atmospheric qualities i loved about them i still think the song is pretty cool in it's own way and i can't wait for the new album.

mainly because this song just seems very unique and judging from it's style i'm assuming all the songs will have their thing about them, unlike their other albums where everything sounded pretty much the same (which was good, but still), this one is probably going to be quite different.

in other words wait for the album then throw all the shit down you want, but don't judge an entire fucking album off of one shitty rip. it's not like their releasing 7 tracks of the grand conjuration.