
Mikael is God

Master of Bating
Jul 7, 2001
ok my two fav bands are soilwork and opeth..... when people tell me opeth is boring... or soilwork is overrated and boring... it pisses me off a LOT... becuase neither band is boring or overrated.... i want to kill people that say that..... so anyway.... it turns out that alot of people like the band Gardenian.... i happen to thiink they are overrated and boring... but then im just being a hypocrite.... ahh its confusion....=p
LOL..I actually think A Predator's Portrait is one of the top albums in a year...
personally i wouldnt say simply having the opinion that a band is boring or overrated is hypocritical. What you do with that opinion may be but not simply having it.

Gardenian has very poor replay value... At first listen they're pretty boring as well. As for Soilwork.. uh.. gimme a break, they just blow. Sure they can play their instruments and shit but the songwriting is just shit. They're up there with Nevermore for being overrated and annoying as hell.
I read that gardenian just broke up. Oh well. they weren't that good. Their last album, sindustries, sucks. soulburner was ok. never heard two feet stand. dont really care to. Gardenian is overrated.

Soilwork is alright. I love the chainheard machine. steel bath suicide is ok. i can barely listen to their new one. nothing special and the speed is gone, which is what iloved. i like darkane more. and i like terror 2000 more than both those bands. i'm looking forward to seeing darkane and soilwork live at metalfest though.
It's not so much that these bands are overrated, but the fact that they fall within an overrated genre to beging with. "melodic death metal". Man, I've grown sick of those three words these past 2 years. Apparenly any band with a slight In Flames sounds "kicks ass" to melo-death fans. The subgenre has already grown very stale with so many bands sounding the same. The hooks (if any) these bands use no longer blow me away but rather make me yawn.
I'm not sure how "overrated" Gardenian can technically be, in that I have read A LOT of really negative reviews of Gardenian, and Sindustries in particular. I really like that record. It's not amazingly brilliant or anything, but it's a good CD to leave in my car and listen to whilst driving.

The guy from liked it, but a few others called it "Ten bad, strung-out rehashings of 'Wherever I May Roam'", and such things. I thought most of the riffs were quite driving, if not terribly original, and I liked the often catchy clean vocal choruses. I thought the album had a good "Abyss" sound and it kept my attention. I never expected it to be voted album of the year, but at the same time I wondered why such negative reviews... oh well.

As for Soilwork, I really like the title track off Chainheart Machine (which I own), it's a wicked way to start a metal record, and I enjoy the guitar sound that kicks off "Millionflame", but past that, the album fails to hold my attention... which is really just a matter of taste I suppose. I also find Witchery, with the exception of "Full Moon" and "The Reaper" (but they also wear thin before long), a really dull listen that never seems exciting for more than the first few times.
So exactly what i was saying... anyone who says soilwork is boring is officially closed minded.... theres no metal bands out there that are boring.... it just takes time to listen to it and grasp it..... i hated opeth the first time i heard them.... i posted this message wondering why everyone liked gardenian but i didnt.... and then hours later after listening again i had different views on it... its called being open minded..... i dont like hearing people tell me soilwork sucks becuase they have a lot of talent and a fuking shitload of good songs....... and im sure thats what you say when someone says opeth, or one of your fav bands is boring...... so instead of criticizing and making false comments... instead you should try to like it or listen harder....... theres no point in just rambling on that bands are horribly boring..... especially when they are not
By the way.... melodic death metal is definately not overrated.... right now its where metal is... back in the 80s metal was about high screaming and cheeezy ass sonsg..... now its 2001... and melodic death metal is the shit because a large % of the people like it...... and im sick of hearing people bash bands for sounding like IN FLAMES.... heres my theory.... - i dont give a shit if a band is a direct rippoff of another band... if they are good, then why criticize them... the whole point of listening to bands is to hear good music..... would you rather hear 200 bands that sound like in flames that are GOOD... or would you rather hear 200 bands that sound different and SUCK ASS.....ok im done i have to spread my joy through some other topics
No. Some bands are definately boring. Gardenian is one. Lots of progressive stuff, Symphony x etc, i find boring. It's called an opinion. it's called taste. i have mine, you have yours. i dont owe it to anyone to listen to something a million times til I get 'it' whatever it might be. it has nothing to do with being open minded. i'm open minded, i will listen to everythign. but there is stuff that i dont like. i get into a huge variety of music and bands but I dont like everything, nor do i have to. not everyone is worth my attention. why should i spend the time listening to a record i think is mediocre when there are a lot of records out there that i think are great and enjoy a whole lot more? it's all about me and what i like. i could give shit if you like soilwork and you shouldn't give a shit if i dont. why do you care? its not my business, its yours. life would be boring and dull if we all liked everything, and all the same stuff.

Originally posted by Mikael is God
So exactly what i was saying... anyone who says soilwork is boring is officially closed minded.... theres no metal bands out there that are boring.... it just takes time to listen to it and grasp it..... i hated opeth the first time i heard them.... i posted this message wondering why everyone liked gardenian but i didnt.... and then hours later after listening again i had different views on it... its called being open minded..... i dont like hearing people tell me soilwork sucks becuase they have a lot of talent and a fuking shitload of good songs....... and im sure thats what you say when someone says opeth, or one of your fav bands is boring...... so instead of criticizing and making false comments... instead you should try to like it or listen harder....... theres no point in just rambling on that bands are horribly boring..... especially when they are not
I dont think melodic death metal is overrated but there are a lot of bands out there in the genre that are not that good, or are mediorce cluttering things up. i'm into the style, hell my band calls itself aggressive melodic death metal, but there are a lot of bands that are not doing anything ot make themselves stand out. i think amon amarth and ablaze my sorrow are two examples. both are good bands but i hardly listen to them because they are very derivitve and sound similar to a lot of other bands out there. if you like everything that comes out in the genre, cool. its not for everyone. as far as being where metal is at. i dont know what that means. i think that is a silly way of looking at it.

Originally posted by Mikael is God
By the way.... melodic death metal is definately not overrated.... right now its where metal is... back in the 80s metal was about high screaming and cheeezy ass sonsg..... now its 2001... and melodic death metal is the shit because a large % of the people like it...... and im sick of hearing people bash bands for sounding like IN FLAMES.... heres my theory.... - i dont give a shit if a band is a direct rippoff of another band... if they are good, then why criticize them... the whole point of listening to bands is to hear good music..... would you rather hear 200 bands that sound like in flames that are GOOD... or would you rather hear 200 bands that sound different and SUCK ASS.....ok im done i have to spread my joy through some other topics
I find this to be an interesting topic. I have a lot of arguments with my friends about music becuase I feel there are really two ways of thinking about music. I find that most people aren't able to separate liking a band and knowing that a band is good (i.e. good musicians).

For instance, one of my friends is big into Katatonia. He's always trying to convince me that they're a great band. I for one don't really like their music that much, nor do I think they are great musicians (although the newest is more intriguing). To me, droning 8th notes is not that exciting. If you like a band, because you like the hooks, or for whatever reason it moves you, that is fine.

I feel I am able to separate these things. I love At the Gates and Slaughter of the Soul. They can definitely play, but I realize that their song writing is pretty simple and predictable (fast verse, groove chorus). But I still love it because it affects me personally. Something about the melodies, the agression, etc.

So when saying whether a band or a genre is good or not, consider what you are basing it on. Is it simply because you like it, or are you using more objective criteria in your claim about their music?