New track. Very disappointed.

To Threak-
It seems like you are more concerned with convincing the forums that you are right than actually arguing your point when you are constantly talking about how 'a lot of others agree with me'. I personally couldn't care less if the entire forum disagreed with me, i don't need to jump on here the instant i jump to some early conclusion to see if people will make me feel better about my early judgement. I wasn't exactly floored the first time I heard the rip either but I reminded myself of what exactly I heard: a first listen of a poor-quality rip of a new track on an uncompleted album. When you say things like "Im so disappointed with this that words cant even describe. And i dont see how the album is gonna be any different than this track either. Its such a noticable change in sound for them." It really confuses me how you can somehow know through your own pessimism that the entire album will be the same as this track considering you have no evidence to support such a claim.

To those already 'losing faith' in the new album-
Anyone who can already make such a strong statement based on a leaked rip of ONE song from an album is not only stupid, but simply disappointing. Saying stuff like 'RIP Opeth' is beyond jumping to conclusions, it just makes my head hurt. Have fun jumping ship on everything else in your sad, fear-based lives.

To Opeth-
I doubt you would continue to submit yourselves to reading such a mind-numbing thread this far to actually see this, but its important nonetheless. Sometimes we forget as fans to show how grateful we are to experience a band such as Opeth. You guys truly are an amazing band and I'm the vision you have for the new album will be fully realized upon release and will rock my pants off. Sorry if we come off as overly critical sometimes, but we're just excited for the new album to come out and try to figure it out prematurely. Anyway Good Luck with the album and see you at Sounds of the Underground in Chicago!

P.S. Sorry to anyone who actually had to read thru this behemoth of a post
What a walking contradiction you are. I backed up all of my posts. And it seems like you are doing the same thing that you just accused me of. Why would you write a whole paragraph criticizing me, if you dont want to convince me that you are right.

I started this thread initially just to see if anyone esle thought the same about the new track. When it turned out that a shit load of other people did, i just used it as an exapmple in one reply to one other post.

I already explained my reasons for being judgemental for the whole new album in post 77, the same post which you were rambling on about before.

And try not to suck too much opeth cock. I dont think mike is gonna print out you're little message to him and the band, and frame it on his wall or anything.
in its proper context

That's what it's all about... We need to hear the whole album in the right order to judge it. It's a concept album, so each track does create an atmosphere related to the story. We can't judge the song because of that, and because of this shitty rip.
One thing is true, Grand Conjuration is not very progressive or very innovative either. I think it is so called "easy track", because it is a sample. I'm sure new album will have more progressive and better songs. Bands never release best track as the sample. And of course GC will sound heavier and much better on CD but I'm sure it is not best song. I don't see Opeth going nu-metal but maybe new album will be a bit modern sounding compared to other albums or maybe not. According to what I have read it will be brutal and nu-metal is not brutal. ;)
Just wait the CD before giving final judgement. After listening CD, no matter do you like it or not, your decision is well formed. Of course you should not be sure that Ghost Reveries would be awesome, it may suck or be average but listen the CD before giving final judgement. And GC may work better on album than as a single track.
threak said:
Are some of you guys actually serious in saying that you like the new track?
It sounds so boring compared to anything else they have ever done. It has no mind blowing or really exciting parts that like all other opeth songs make you think "whoa, where the hell did that come from". The riff is so bland like a 100 other bands are doing right now, the keyboards suck.And the drum beat is boring as hell with no creativity involved.

Im so disappointed with this that words cant even describe. And i dont see how the album is gonna be any different than this track either. Its such a noticable change in sound for them.

And please dont tell me that its the quality of the rip that makes it sound bad. It doesnt take away from the fact that this blatantly is'nt opeth anymore.

I know im not the only one who thinks this.

Dammit i totally agree with you... it sounds like shit!! dam i´m too dissapointed and too upset to keep writing here.... i still refuse to believe thats opeth.... :bah:
Looking for a Job said:
are you saying TGC > blackwater park: the album, or just the song? not like it matters; either way you're an idiot

Job, you're a fine upstanding young lad. And I'll say this about you too... you know an idiot when you see one.

Looking for a Job said:
are you saying TGC > blackwater park: the album, or just the song? not like it matters; either way you're an idiot
The song. :dopey:

BWP is a great album. Take way the song Blackwater Park and you would have an amazing album. :Spin: