
yep.......welcome.........perhaps I should create a newbie thread, as I did with the famous newbie thread in the DT forum......hrm.......
it already exist man, just that it's as used as the one in DT, full of not newbies posting there :p

so welcome....i'm fathervic, you'll notice for those words above my avatar, yes, you guessed right, those which say FatherVic.
feel at home, and fill in the fridge from time to time, thanx ;)

fathervic (who's missing Algol for some moment!!!!!)
hey the one in the DT thread is fun...........I have fun anyway.....I always have fun in my world.........anyway.

Where is the lion man? I havent seen him for quite a while!
No it was Guðmundur the drummer... have you been bugging them?

ok prove that the guy from Falkenbach is icelandic, coz he´s NOT!!
Originally posted by Djöfull
No it was Guðmundur the drummer... have you been bugging them?
I don't like to bug people ( :rolleyes: ) but yes i have, a little.

ok prove that the guy from Falkenbach is icelandic, coz he´s NOT!! [/B]
:lol: you're scaring me now.. what's the problem with him being icelandic?
everywhere i've read something about Falkenbach it's mentioned that Vratyas Vakyas is icelandic but moved to Germany, other than that i don't think i can prove it, no. :confused:

on a stupid note.. hrm.. i usually never say this but.... the guys in Sólstafir are more than quite handsome :o hehe if all icelandics looks like that i might go to Iceland some day :spin: :o
Damn, in my 9 years of spanish classes, I really should know what that means......but before the translation I was thinking "abandon your stadium but it was long".

:lol: oh well, 2 words right! I'm a regular bilingual now! :p

But my ignorance aside, thanks! I will definitely be around these parts fairly often ;)
eso bien venido, aquí hay un montón de gente rara (como astarte ;p )

yep, welcom, here there a lot of ehmm charming ppl (just as astarte) :rolleyes:
@FatherVic: choose. the whip, the spikes or the fists
