News about the CD

I guess we get to see the good and the bad of the net right here. Everyone expects things now, has a feeling of entitlement into the inner workings and personal business of a band. Lets stop working on our music and take pictures, videos, give information, dedicate time to a web site because the fans are crying. Maybe they have a life too, maybe they havent seen each other in months and spending time around home and family, maybe theres a hitch in the writing and something is not coming together the way they want, maybe they have thrown out all the material 4 times now because everytime they turn around they hear some "fan" didnt like what they did here and there on PL or maybe they just said fuck it and returned to Ithaca.

You are addressing comments/sentiments that haven't been made, at least not for several pages. Feel free to comment on the actual points being made;). In fairness to the people you ARE addressing...Proulxski does have a fair point in the fact that part of the frustration comes from the fact that the band/jax/whoever promise updates and then (for whatever reason...not pointing fingers here) we don't get them, or we do get them but well past whenever we are told we'll get them. Should people just buck up and deal with it? Probably, but the band is getting set up for criticism when such things happen.
I think I did address some stuff that was just said. Still the reality is the band does not need to do anything but "shut up and play guitar"... they owe nobody nothing, their product is their music not a whole bunch of hoopla in the mean time and we can only speculate as to the many possible "holdups" it could be. JAX stated clearly things are not how they used to be, theres a whole nother link in the system with a new label and when you get right down to it what does any of us know about this stuff ? NOTHING !
AND... we have been given every update as promised. Nobody said we'll tell you when they get done with guitar track one, vocal track 2, name of song C, picture of recording track 5, Rulio driving into the studio parking lot to cut his part of track 6, bla bla bla. We got updates, there is pinned topic, the last update was the last update and by gosh we got it.

Posting constant 'Where's the new cd? What's the band doing? Why is there no news?' threads won't get you any new info until the band's ready to tell you something new, so suffice it to say, the latest news is exactly that..

More info as it becomes available.

You put something together one day and then come back the next day & listen to it; sometimes it's cool, & sometimes it sucks & you have to change things around."

we're anticipating that the new site will launch around the same time as the new cd.

Theres was also some optimistic posts as to things speeding up and timelines but unless your relatively new around the world there really isnt any need to discuss how this commonly happens.

Myself personally I suspect some adjustments were made in the music since the March update, everything prior was just the initial writing process. The last update was aprox 5-6 weeks ago and the drum tracks and most of the rhythm tracks were recorded so I assume its coming along nicely, maybe some more fine tuning, Then it needs to be mastered yet and what ever else comes with the final package before the CD's are made. Im cool with it and expect some more great music and the new web site around that time as indicated previously.
This isn’t just about news on the new record. Let’s just take this on the most basic level…

Person X is listening to Pandora radio and Communion and the Oracle comes on. They think, wow…great song…who are these guys and what are they all about? Then they do what 99% of us would do in that situation…go to Google and type ‘Symphony X’ and click on their official website.

News – the last 5 news items span 2 years
Tour Dates – are from 2008/2009
FAQ – last update 2003
Gallery – total of 11 images which are from 2006

Are we getting the picture yet?? Sure Person X might find a few things on the website that interest them but they also might think, ok I’m not getting much here I am going to click away.

The band and/or their management have no excuse for not doing a better job at this. (and yes I know we are supposedly getting a revamped website but it's been like this for a looong time)

I think we can all agree that SX are one of the best bands on the planet…that is why we are here. But as was mentioned above they are only doing themselves a disservice and a few improvements would change NOTHING about them or their music.
We're not in 1986 where you sign up for a fan club and get newsletters every 6 months (even though that was kinda awesome at the time!) It was mentioned here a few months ago that we might get a few studio pictures…again this is not the same world where you have to develop film and scan every image…you can get hundreds of pictures online in a matter of minutes even via your cell phone.

And regarding A7X, I only checked out the new record because of Portnoy and to be honest...I'm pleasantly suprised!

I have to be honest here... I never check a band's website. Ever. They're essentially obsolete at this point IMO, because unfortunately people would RATHER get their news from myspace, facebook, etc.

If i heard a band on pandora, my first stop would be metal archives, check out some clips on youtube or download a few key albums (not saying people should illegally download, just saying i do) and check out the band that way. Maybe not a key point to the discussion, but i don't think a website that is out of date is the worst thing in the world anymore.
It's true, Portnoy is all over his Twitter account.
My mentioning him was more about his work-horse like attitude when it comes to promoting DT, not his online presence.

For razor and co. you'll see that many of the points here are about SX in general, not just about updates (or lack thereof) on the new record.
Well I think they are relatively private people, not overly concerned with fanfare or hitting the big time, they have their nitch and enjoy what they do. Their not young guys with all that comes with that, the label might have more control over promotion now. Their not making a big fuss over whats coming because its not ready yet, avoiding the smoke and mirrors and all the bullshit, history has shown when they do step up to the plate they produce, some bands do alot of talking then let everyone down, maybe SX just walks the walk and dont talk the talk. Im sure when release time comes around all things promotional will step up considerably.
i'm certain of that aswell razor. My comment about Nuclear Blast page for symphony x still being empty, I was discussing it with another fan. Its probably because there has been no news yet, and no albums released on their label.

Either or, in due time my friends. Just hang in tight, and get along!

Like I said, they make them selves easily accesible at shows. And thats more than most bands do, they always bring there A game, even when Lepond is sick, and russell as a cold. The album is on its way, we will know more when there is more to know. When it comes to promoting, and updates. I don't want as many details as one would assume. I really just like teasers. Things to raise the anticipation for the album!
I have to be honest here... I never check a band's website. Ever. They're essentially obsolete at this point IMO, because unfortunately people would RATHER get their news from myspace, facebook, etc.

If i heard a band on pandora, my first stop would be metal archives, check out some clips on youtube or download a few key albums (not saying people should illegally download, just saying i do) and check out the band that way. Maybe not a key point to the discussion, but i don't think a website that is out of date is the worst thing in the world anymore.

Fair points. I think if you want to take that next step though the website can still be a good central information source. Tour dates, band info, gear, discography etc. So it's never good when your Wikipedia page contains more useful info lol.
I really just like teasers. Things to raise the anticipation for the album!

It is true to say that there is one four word teaser which is all I would need even though it would drive me nuts up until the the release...





Hell never know!!

I think double disc is overkill today. As it is a CD is more than what once was a double album and those were rare.
I too never check band websites, UNLESS I want to know "hey, what ever happened to _name of band_?" And even then, I check wikipedia first. I don't need to follow all the goings on in band members day to day life, or even follow updates about albums.

I simply ping a few genre-oriented news sites once in a while or get briefed by friends.

PS I agree with Steve, quality over quantity.
The lack of information makes us wait it more and generates these discussions. No matter how little information we get, I'm fairly certain that we will all check the new album out, no matter what. On the other hand it'd be great to have SOME info. But I'm not too worried... :Spin:
I check Marillion's website for tourdates and Blind Guardian's for news about their album.

But that's about it. Band sites are pretty much obsolete.
ROFL would you look at that? Blind Guardian released their album in Europe today.

I guess band websites pay off.

Double discs are overkill these days. I find most of them are just quick things thrown together. I have alot of double disc albums, (bonus discs wtv) and they hardly ever get listened too!

Case and point: The Flower Kings. Every damn year they would release a double CD packed with 80 minutes on both discs. 40-60 minutes is the perfect length for an album, I think.