next band for Ragnarokkr 2013: HOUR OF 13

you can all thank Jason for this one. He is the guy who got in touch with them and got them then in touch with Odin.

My pleasure!!!!
While I had been working on trying to land various bands to fill the doom void, I am especially stoked Odin was able to land HOUR OF 13. They have a great new album out this year and have only performed a small handful of shows in their career. This is truly a special event!!!!

This thing is only going to get bigger and better.

In the words of the almighty (but small) DIO : LOOK OUT!!!!!!!!!!
This is a GREAT announcement. Ho13 is one of the most exciting and relevant bands in metal today.

Yeah and remember that discussion on here a few weeks back about how a death/black band would be a good add? Or it wouldn't? This is the way to do it. Not a death or black band but huge in that community. People will come out just for this band alone.
This is a GREAT announcement. Ho13 is one of the most exciting and relevant bands in metal today.

Yeah and remember that discussion on here a few weeks back about how a death/black band would be a good add? Or it wouldn't? This is the way to do it. Not a death or black band but huge in that community. People will come out just for this band alone.

hahahahaah I would not call them the most relvant band in metal today. it is a great booking but they are a far cry from most relevant.
LOL - I am not saying they ARE the most relevant, but they are the most "currently" relevant band on the lineup for sure!

What do you mean?
Being one of the most hyped bands, recently signing to a bigger and more renowned label, having your members in highly respected bands in various genres across the metal scene, stunning reviews everywhere you look, and kickstarting a revival/scene of a whole style of music (compared to a trend, which is what you call a movement that you don't personally like) DOES NOT make you relevant!
This is a GREAT announcement. Ho13 is one of the most exciting and relevant bands in metal today.

Yeah and remember that discussion on here a few weeks back about how a death/black band would be a good add? Or it wouldn't? This is the way to do it. Not a death or black band but huge in that community. People will come out just for this band alone.

you just said here....most exciting and relevant bands in metal today.

And to call what they do a movement is silly as well.
you just said here....most exciting and relevant bands in metal today.

And to call what they do a movement is silly as well.

One of in one of many....not the Pinnacle.

You're crazy if you don't think there's been a HUGE resurgence in occult-oriented Metal lately, especially of the doom variety...
Brian - Don't bother..................
If they were on Planet Metal, Bob would justify them by saying, "They suck on record but are AMAZING live" (IE - they are in the cool inner circle so I must like them) LOL..........
Brian - Don't bother..................
If they were on Planet Metal, Bob would justify them by saying, "They suck on record but are AMAZING live" (IE - they are in the cool inner circle so I must like them) LOL..........

nope...just funny that you get all bent out of shape that there are some people who dont like doom. Jason...there are plenty of Planet Metal bands I dont like.

Doom is currently going through the same thing that the sweddish melodic death metal thing had in the early part of the 2000's, what folk metal did a few years back. It is something "new" to most so they are all over it. It is funny because what I read and see the way people act it is the same way as it was with those music trends....yes trends. The whole "occult" doom, stoner doom and other forms of doom are all trends. If you dont agree you are crazy. How many bands were goofed on for changing styles to fit with what people were into? or suddenly how many folk metal bands popped up out of no where? how many In Flames and At The Gates wanna be's there are?

You have bands like Magic Circle who are all hardcore band members all playing doom. Oh yeah...because it is popular. I am sure they are all fans of the genre but how much do you want to bet that if it wasnt hip right now they would not be doing it. Or the trend of female fronted occult bands. In a few years like all trends, it will die out and there will still be the serious bands who didnt jump on the trend and actually make the music because it is what they like and there will be the ones that vanish.

So it is just funny how all you who act like this is some cool inner circle to quote Jason. it really isnt. You are all just into music that is currently a trend. It is just funny because you guys are super fans of this doesnt make you less a metal fan. It is just funny because the roles were all reveresed a few years back with Jason and I. He kept cracking on folk metal saying it is a trend, which I always agreed. It is a trend. When something has a new sound....people will flock to it if it is good. Right now doom is the flavor of the month.