next band for Ragnarokkr 2013: HOUR OF 13

Yeah I don't think anyone is debating that it's a 'trend' right now but we both know that if it was a style of music you actually liked, you'd be calling it a revival or scene or something instead of a trend, like you did when Enforcer and In Solitude and Portrait started showing up. The Swedish Heavy Metal revival! Instead of the Swedish Heavy Metal trend. They're both the same thing but wording is everything.

And re: Magic Circle, yeah they play in hc bands as well, doesn't mean they're only playing doom to trendhop. Those dudes have been around for years and years and have played in all different styles of bands. I think one of them is in Innumerable Forms as well. Only playing doom because it's popular.....right, I'm sure you know, with the zero shows you've seen and the zero members you've spoken to and the zero interviews you've read.
Two things. 1. Is it a trend? Yeah, I suppose so. However, like Brian touched upon, just because someone is playing a new style of metal or whatever, doesn't mean they don't love that style of music and that they're doing it for the moolah because...

...secondly, some of you guys are acting like this is a huge trend and that doom is getting popular. Doom has never been popular, unless you count Sabbath as doom. And it still isn't popular; it's just that some are taking a little more notice. It's a niche genre of metal, which while some have had moderate success, almost none have ever been super successful with it.
Punkers and Hardcore fans/musicians playing doom metal is hardly a new thing. Look at Solstice, for crying out loud. Rich Walker is notorious for his early bands and his devotion to the punk scene but he's the shit-worker of Solstice and even brought Pagan Altar back from the dead.

Doom tends to have a pretty DIY attitude attached to it and I think that it appeals to the punk musicians that have a slower, heavier side.

As far as the trend thing goes... Maybe it's the same as all those other shifts. There will be a handful of bands that stand the test of time and carry on into the next movement. Whatever. Either way, I'm enjoying myself right now. Killer booking on Hour of 13.
you know it is a trend when you have people who 3 years ago wouldnt give bands like this the time of day now you have people acting like doom bands are the 3rd coming of Christ.

Simon - doom does sell well and draw well. This is why Hour of 13 is a fantastic booking. While I am not a fan. This will give attention to the fest it would not have gotten other wise. I think getting another band like Gates of Slumber or Argus would be another great move. For festivals to stay afloat they have to book what the people want and stay current.

Brian - What Enforcer, Portrait, Cauldron are is defenetly retro stuff. Sure. Is it good stuff. Yes. Will they be bands relevant in 10 years? only time will tell. Odds are no. Look at anyones record / CD collection and you can see how thier taste changed with time. I used Magic Circle as an example. If doom was as popular as it was in say the early 2000's I highly doubt this band would even exist. Sure I bet a few of the guys are into it, but with any genre of band. Some just jump on the band wagon to play or be in a band.

I think it is funny how the younger kids now a days want so badly to be in a "scene", "movement", or whatever you young whippersnappers call it now a days. I think the issue is that music now has gotten easier to discover and find that with the click of a button you can find the most obscure music you want. Or if you are looking for a show you can search and find something in minutes. Plus metal has hit mainstream / pop culture where the "evil" aspect of it is gone like it was in the 80's. Sure there is an underground but again...that underground is easy to find. The work and feeling that it is something you discovered is gone with the digital age.

Like any trend this will pass and there will still be the bands who were not bandwagon jumpers and they will still be around. Look at all the power metal, melodic death metal, folk metal, black metal bands still around. Like any form of music you are going to have your serious folks, the casual fan, and the trend / bandwagon jumper. It is great for the doom bands who have been hard at work, or any other band who will now get the chance to prove themselves to a new crowd.
Well Bob, you brought up the whole think with folk 3 years ago.....
Just like you with folk metal, I was into doom LONG before (well, dating back to around 2005 or there abouts), the current trend.
Therefore, when a "trend" band like the Sword comes around, I take it for what it is.
If I like the music, then great!!!

The Hour of 13 guys aren't exactly posers. Ever hear of Briton Rites?
Simon - doom does sell well and draw well. This is why Hour of 13 is a fantastic booking. While I am not a fan. This will give attention to the fest it would not have gotten other wise. I think getting another band like Gates of Slumber or Argus would be another great move. For festivals to stay afloat they have to book what the people want and stay current.

I think we may just have different perceptions of successful. I don't really know of many doom bands, at least in the US (and probably most other places too) where doom shows are packed. I do think this band will draw a number of people who might not have gone or were fence sitters though as it is a genre that works with this fest.
Well Bob, you brought up the whole think with folk 3 years ago.....
Just like you with folk metal, I was into doom LONG before (well, dating back to around 2005 or there abouts), the current trend.
Therefore, when a "trend" band like the Sword comes around, I take it for what it is.
If I like the music, then great!!!

The Hour of 13 guys aren't exactly posers. Ever hear of Briton Rites?

I know you were into doom way before the trend hit. This isnt about who is KVLT or into it first. Just saying that this rise in interest in doom is a trend like all rises in genres of music.

I have heard a Briton Rites Jason. I have seen thier stuff for sale for many years on various sites. I never said Hour of 13 were posers.
Yeah, I know what you mean Bob. I just don't agree with it.
Something increasing in popularity doesn't mean it's a trend, or people are into it to be cool, or whatever. Female fronted occult rock? Yeah, I'm sure that the whole of 4 bands of the past 3 years is a "trend"!
Briton Rites has only even been around for like 2 years so idk how you could be seeing their stuff for many years online.
Plus, people aren't excited about "doom". They're excited about a doom band. One. Hour of 13. A band with massive critical acclaim, hype, and crossover appeal. They would draw more than Argus or Grand Magus 10 / 10 times. It's not about people being into a style for 3 months, it's about one band.

If this seems less coherent than normal I apologize, you can see the post-time....
funny you mention Grand Magus.....I suggested them for headliner. They havent played the states yet. have lots of buzz. And a band I think people would travel to see. I really hope Hour of 13 has this power. Tickets need to start selling.
Briton Rites has only even been around for like 2 years so idk how you could be seeing their stuff for many years online.

Thanks for saving my typing!!!!

Yeah, I know its not about what is kvlt or not.
The bottom line is doom as a genre has been around BEFORE the current trend. If people are along for the ride because of the trend, then great!!!!
This should help ticket sales.
Once again, as someone who is trying to help the fest, you shouldn't be crapping on the parade so much.

There have been way more EXTREMELY crappy bands I have heard you guys talk about considering for the fest to help sell tickets. To even remotely poop on a doom band to sell tickets is extremely absurd.
Eh, if there's one thing he's NOT doing, it's shitting on the booking. He's said a few times it's a solid grab! We just really enjoy putting an end to the glue shortage...
Yeah Jason...I never said it was a bad choice or a bad pick. I have said nothing but the opposite. Shows you that you dont read before posting stuff.

I was just commenting on peoples postings about how they said they were the most relvant band in metal today. And we all know that cant be because they were not brought up on the PP forum first and gotten the OK there.
Oh come on....
What about your "We got the beard quota covered" comment on FB?

It's still a back handed complement to the booking either way.

All I am saying is Bob is back to his Powerfest ways where he doesn't realize that he generates negativity where its not needed.
The last thing this fest needs is someone reading negativity about any booking.

Believe me, there are a few bands I couldn't care less about on next year's fest.
I keep my comments to myself or discuss it in one on one conversations.

Well, I have been talking to the band ever since the announcement and they are stoked as hell!!!
I am going to be working directly with Earache on promotions for this one.

The fest needed a band who is stoked to play and will actually HELP with promoting their appearance and the fest.

This is going to be huge, and I am not standing for any crap talking about this band or the doom genre.

The proof will be in the pudding during their performance!
Oh come on....
What about your "We got the beard quota covered" comment on FB?

It's still a back handed complement to the booking either way.

All I am saying is Bob is back to his Powerfest ways where he doesn't realize that he generates negativity where its not needed.
The last thing this fest needs is someone reading negativity about any booking. being negative. christ! Have you gotten your ticket yet? That would be the first thing I would do if you really want to help the fest.

I never said it was a bad decision and I even told mike to listen to you on this one because it was a good booking. You clearly have mental health issues and need to go talk to someone.

I stand by my beard quota comment. We are now covered on that one. Hopefully soon we can get out tight jean pants band booked next.
It's all good. I am really stoked for this and think its a turning point for the fest.

No. I have not gotten tix yet and prolly won't be able to for a while.
My kids eat more than your kitties do! :)