next band for Ragnarokkr 2013: HOUR OF 13

On the subject of Cauldron Born/Briton Rites...

If the fests bag either of those bands then I will book my tickets and flights yesterday. Right now I'm waffling on the fence. Looks like a killer fest, but so far none of the bands have made me say "I can't miss this." Here's hoping for something outrageous!
On the subject of Cauldron Born/Briton Rites...

If the fests bag either of those bands then I will book my tickets and flights yesterday. Right now I'm waffling on the fence. Looks like a killer fest, but so far none of the bands have made me say "I can't miss this." Here's hoping for something outrageous!

Ive talked to Howie Bentley and he said he'd love to pay, hell he said he'd love to bring both bands. Its just he would need the expense to get there to be paid for (as with all bands) and there is the problem of flying in Phil from Conn. But id take Cauldron Born over Briton RItes ;)
Ive talked to Howie Bentley and he said he'd love to pay, hell he said he'd love to bring both bands. Its just he would need the expense to get there to be paid for (as with all bands) and there is the problem of flying in Phil from Conn. But id take Cauldron Born over Briton RItes ;)

Phil sings for Hour of 13 so that's not much of a problem anymore!
Hadn't actually heard them before so I checked out a few tracks. I like their sound but there wasn't anything about the songs that grabbed me like with, say, Pagan Altar. Still, should be cool to see them live and if it helps the fest then great.

(Looking forward to seeing what the "tight jeans" band will be... LOL)
Phil sings for Hour of 13 so that's not much of a problem anymore!

I was actually just thinking about that haha He could bring both bands then since the lineup for both is essentially the same i believe.

However, I was talking to Howie today and he said they will be recording the new Briton Rites full length early in 2013, and right now they are at the band rehearsal stage. Also, Cauldron Born just finished recording the new EP and their new 2nd guitarist will be mixing and mastering it now and will then be sent to Iron on Iron for it to get released.