next band for Ragnarokkr 2013: HOUR OF 13

I beleive the harshest of critics can be good because you can learn what you are doing wrong in someones eyes. If someone came on here and said I hated the way this was done and this was run....Mike would be able to see if it is something he needed to think about changing. Every little bit helps.
Nothing wrong with healthy debates on something you are passionate about.
Everyone's entitled to their own opinion.

The main thing here though is that the fest needs ALL the positive vibes it can get!
I saw Phish in 93 noobs!
I got fired from a Phish show.
I worked at the University arena as an usher.
I got accused of smoking dope between sets.
I looked at my boss and said, "Ummm...I don't even smoke cigarettes"

That was the end of my ushering career.
Hey! Listen!
Just saw this post on the AtlantaMetal board from someone in the Briton Rites camp. Figured this is as good a place as any to repost it.


New Briton Rites demo song "The Wizard's Pipe" will premiere on The Soggy Bog of Doom Metal Show Tuesday night/Midnight on Halloween. Along with new music from other killer doom bands.

Just like the last Briton Rites demo song, it will be uploaded on Youtube sometime after the premiere.
Hey! Listen!
Just saw this post on the AtlantaMetal board from someone in the Briton Rites camp. Figured this is as good a place as any to repost it.


New Briton Rites demo song "The Wizard's Pipe" will premiere on The Soggy Bog of Doom Metal Show Tuesday night/Midnight on Halloween. Along with new music from other killer doom bands.

Just like the last Briton Rites demo song, it will be uploaded on Youtube sometime after the premiere.

I love Briton Rites. Bob loves them so much he has been aware of them for YEARS!!!!!!! :goggly: