next bands on code666

Emi ...

This is the most exciting thing I heard in a while. This Australian band INFERNAL METHOD ... sounds like Soilwork/Arch Enemy!!!

Their demo sounds amazing and totally professional.

I don't know these guys, just got introduced to them recently.
You can hear all their demo songs at

Infernal Method MP3

Infernal Method Website

Pretty fucking awesome ...
Canaan would be a dream, but I don't Think that Mauro will accept to have someone else managing his music... Eibon records is the perfect home for Canaan...
Emi ... I just heard these guys for the first time:

maudlin of the Well

They have a forum here at UM ... very hypnotic!
Heard them on for the first time last night and want to hear more!!!

my first lines I post on this forum - I've to welcome myself, hehe! ;-)

About the question which bands fits perfectly, both in music and attitude, into the code666 roster:

ORDO DRACONIS from Holland.

Imagine an indepedent mixture of Arcturus-style blackish metal, psychedelic keyboards, utterly fast lead guitars and a big bunch of great experiments like electro and jungle beats, tango and waltz rhythms...

You should definitely check out for some older stuff... the new is ready for the recording, clocks over an hour and is called "Camera Obscura".
