Next Hypocrisy Album

@ Supernova : moi je trouve ta réflexion pas mal ....

@ Sean : je suis aussi à Bâle et Denis n'y sera pas il s'arrête le 24 à Paris ... après il avait déjà d'autres engagement à tenir ....

hehe pas si pire hein? :)
vous êtes chanceux vous de voir tous ces concerts la :s
Sorry for the french ....

I was saying that denis will not be to the gig in Basel 'cause he has other things to do and he will stop the trip with the tour in paris the 24th....
And I find the maths of Supernova great in fact ....

but we have to wait official news or a connection of Denis to know more about that ...

@ Supernova : Yes we have lot of chance to see all this gigs ! it's why I try to do lot of them to have no regret later ..... :)
I will do the same with hypocrisy soon :D
yes dear better make the most of it :)
But I wont whine, I mean even here we are lucky if you talk about metal shows.
my city is only like 800000 inhabitants (Québec City) but still we have great shows around, like Cannibal Corpse in a month, Napalm Death in 2 months..we had Amon Amarth and Opeth in the last months...and Suffocation prior to that....and I saw Hypocrisy live here back in 2006. and the venue is like a 10 minutes walk away from were I live! But if a band doesnt come to QC CITY, they will be in Montreal which is only 250 km away from here so if you really wanna see the band live, its very possible. Well at least for us this distance seems small, I admit in Europe it might look far away since the countries are so small and all.

and thank you, I love it when a girl likes my maths ;)
Roadtripping to see a band is just a big part of the fun of it all. I used to live near Tilburg back at home in NL (20km'ish) so i used to cycle a lot on my bike to go to gigs. But often i went to other city's as well and then i just went with trains or busses :).

It's just fun when you go out with a pack of friends, backpack full o booze, some small radio/mp3 player and to "wreak havoc" on your way there :).

So it's not that odd for me to travel a distance to see a gig. Often thought about going to germany or belgium as well to see a certain gig. Be it that i didn't have any money i couldn't , otherwise i would.
but I wonder if old hardcore Hypocrisy are aware about the incoming new album...I mean you werent...

What about Firefest, Seditious, Rottent flesh, Lumi, Paininflames etc etc
Yeah I also travel a lot to see bands I like, dont get that many famous bands near here (apart from at the Hellfest), I have seen Turisas and Entombed in the last few months round here, otherwise I mostly have to go to paris (~400 km).

We are doing a big roadtrip for the Pain gig, traveling about 1000 km, going to be realy fun ! :)
It's all about marketing, NB obviously has the teaser and hopefully the finished album too so they are deciding which is the best moment to reveal the news. They have managed to raise some hype here already and they will milk it for a some time and then they will release the teaser and perhaps some other news to raise even more hype. After all, if the album's is still unfinished there would be no sense to start the active promotion just yet because the hype would wear off before the release date. Actual fans won't lose their interest but the band and NB also have to gain the interest of average metalheads to make the record successful. If you people go to read some general metalboards there's no discussion about new Hypocrisy yet but there will be when NB's promotion machine starts to roll.

Sometime in upcoming weeks they will release more information and this place will be engulfed by flames and hopefully those general metalheads will receive the message too. You'll understand the sometimes annoying tricks of promotion when you take those fanglasses away for a moment. Fans think now is the right moment but for NB there's right and wrong moments and obviously we haven't reached the right one yet. Patience is a virtue.

but I wonder if old hardcore Hypocrisy are aware about the incoming new album...I mean you werent...

What about Firefest, Seditious, Rottent flesh, Lumi, Paininflames etc etc
They will when NB decides to reveal details of the album.

Sorry if i stray a bit off topic here.
I must have been living under a rock lately, I just saw the news about the new Samael album though... sounds good!

"After 20 years we've tried to do an album that would represent what S A M A E L is all about and we did "Solar Soul". We feel now it is the right time to remind the people where we come from and that's exactly what "Above" will do. It is like an enhanced version of our three or four first albums, maybe the missing link between "Cermony Of Opposites" and "Passage". With the "Era One" project we've tried to work on different influences, with "Above" we striped everything down. It is a metal album through and through."


I have to check it out.

Sorry if i stray a bit off topic here.
I must have been living under a rock lately, I just saw the news about the new Samael album though... sounds good!


I have to check it out.


got positive reviews in the 'new in 2009' general metal disc. thread, too.