NHL kicks off in Prague

im fucking happy those Redwing faggots didnt win. Screw hossa in his flaming tire ass

Why? Because they have been the better franchise for nearly 2 decades? That franchise knows what it takes to win a cup. And when they make moves they make smart ones. And there Scouting staff is absolutely exceptional. Mark Howe should be awarded something for the draft moves that they make, because if you look at Datsyuk the guy was drafted 171st, aswell as Zetterberg 210th overall...and those 2 are quite possibly the 2 most talented players in the league when they are on there game, Despite the obvious big players like Ovie and Gino.

As much as I dislike the Red Wings, I wish they would have won, cause now we'll never hear the end of this "OH MY GOD CROSBY IS A FUCKING GOD NOW HE'S GOT A CUP, HE'S THE YOUNGEST TEAM CAPTAIN TO WIN A CUP" Fuck that little cry baby.

The only 2 people I am really happy for are Marc-Andre Fleury and Maxime Talbot those guys worked just as hard as anyone else to get the cup.
Why? Because they have been the better franchise for nearly 2 decades? That franchise knows what it takes to win a cup. And when they make moves they make smart ones. And there Scouting staff is absolutely exceptional. Mark Howe should be awarded something for the draft moves that they make, because if you look at Datsyuk the guy was drafted 171st, aswell as Zetterberg 210th overall...and those 2 are quite possibly the 2 most talented players in the league when they are on there game, Despite the obvious big players like Ovie and Gino.

As much as I dislike the Red Wings, I wish they would have won, cause now we'll never hear the end of this "OH MY GOD CROSBY IS A FUCKING GOD NOW HE'S GOT A CUP, HE'S THE YOUNGEST TEAM CAPTAIN TO WIN A CUP" Fuck that little cry baby.

The only 2 people I am really happy for are Marc-Andre Fleury and Maxime Talbot those guys worked just as hard as anyone else to get the cup.

You actually take anything Krig says seriously? In a game to ten with six of me or you against six of Krig, you/me/anyone would probably win with 10-0.

Anyways, I don't think it's good when the same team wins two years in a row in a leauge, let alone when the same two teams are in the finals two years in a row.
I actually like Crosby and the way he plays, if only the management could shut up about him.
Why? Because they have been the better franchise for nearly 2 decades? That franchise knows what it takes to win a cup. And when they make moves they make smart ones. And there Scouting staff is absolutely exceptional. Mark Howe should be awarded something for the draft moves that they make, because if you look at Datsyuk the guy was drafted 171st, aswell as Zetterberg 210th overall...and those 2 are quite possibly the 2 most talented players in the league when they are on there game, Despite the obvious big players like Ovie and Gino.

As much as I dislike the Red Wings, I wish they would have won, cause now we'll never hear the end of this "OH MY GOD CROSBY IS A FUCKING GOD NOW HE'S GOT A CUP, HE'S THE YOUNGEST TEAM CAPTAIN TO WIN A CUP" Fuck that little cry baby.

The only 2 people I am really happy for are Marc-Andre Fleury and Maxime Talbot those guys worked just as hard as anyone else to get the cup.

Exactly the way I feel, and the thing is the hatred for thewings is much like any other exellent team in any sport, Wings, Sox, Yankees, and so on. I also don't think winning twice in a row is bad for the league if it's a big market team. Montreal, Detroit, Boston.....But people are on about the Pens winning several cups now, is this good for the league? No, it's a small market team, sure it'll save the team from going bankrupt, as they almost did, adn that's also why Crosby has become the post child. Big effort to keep the team in Pittsburgh.
You could say the same for the NHL except for Canada.I might be one of the few people that watch NBA on here.

Anything good happen latly Krig in the NHL?I will now watch the Flyers/Bruins game.

Besides Marc Savard getting killed in a game lol...nothing new haha...that guy is injury prone lol...
Go Blues!
No more Kariya, and no more Tkachuk.
Andy Mcdonald and a bunch of young players. looking forward to it.
My only problem is Eric Brewer and Barret Jackman. both are worthless.
Pens lost first home game in new arena im ashamed for them. Great way to kick off the season eh bois?
I think NHL should go back to ESPN and the NBA goes back to NBA.NBA on NBC theme song FTW.

EDIT Having the NHL on ESPN could help the sport.I can see lots of new fans if they make a deal.

ESPN sucks, I'd love to watch the BHL season and lots of people have been asking them down here. BTW the Lakers game vs Barcelona yesterday was a fucking joke.