Nice To See That Some Rock Stars Actually Know How The Music Industry Works...

Because some power metal fans are scenesters who see Dragonforce as a threat to the exclusivity of their favorite genre. See they used to love Dragonforce. But then, despite not changing their sound, they sold out and became big. Nowthey don't even admit to liking their past albums, nor wanting the band to play at ProgPower in the past. Now everything they have done apparently sucks to them. And anybody that listens to it doesn't know better. Apparently including themselves.

How does DragonForce sell out? Ive never heard Herman or anyone in the band say they hate hteir old albums, and theyve only released 1 simplistic/non changing album. I like DragonForce, I dont listen to them anymore but all this hate towards them is completely against a metal band gaining hype, imho.
Um. Reread what I said. I said that some people who hate dragonforce, contend that the band sold out (despite the band not changing their sound). And that some people 'used' to love Dragonforce, until Dragonforce became big.
Because some power metal fans are scenesters who see Dragonforce as a threat to the exclusivity of their favorite genre. See they used to love Dragonforce. But then, despite not changing their sound, they sold out and became big. Nowthey don't even admit to liking their past albums, nor wanting the band to play at ProgPower in the past. Now everything they have done apparently sucks to them. And anybody that listens to it doesn't know better. Apparently including themselves.

Very true. So many bitch and moan about "their" metal never getting the proper recognition. Dragonforce gains success and predictably they become garbage because, as we all know, metal can't involve any success whatsoever.
For those who follow power metal, we consider Dragonforce to be more of a background noise maker. (Yes, I own their CDs, but I don't spin them very often).

For those who don't follow power metal, they are considered to be "new" because power metal doesn't get much airplay on commercial radio.

As most of us who follow power metal on a regular basis, we know that there is more to power metal than just playing really really fast! :lol:

No one on here or any other underground metal forum were saying these sorts of things about DF before they got popular.

Inhuman Rampage wasn't even originally released on Roadrunner.

If we dug back for the past 5 or 6 years, DF were on almost EVERYONE's list for Prog Power "wishlist" bands....

Nothing has changed with DF, just their popularity...

Sorry, but you are full of it!
I bought Valley of the Damned back when it came out based on the recommendation of the clerk at the store i went to. He said it was pretty fun, good guitar work but nothing amazing. He was dead on, but it didn't translate to "interesting". I've NEVER sat down and willingly listened to the full album.

Seeing their live shit, i'm just amazed that people are into this band. I mean, i hate bands like Dream Theater that are not interesting onstage, but Dragonforce are just the other extreme... their playing suffers to the point where you just don't even want to watch it.

Goddamnit, if you're going to listen to a band like this, Cellador. Better singer, better and memorable songs, they can play live... man, fuck dragonforce. Popularity has nothing to do with it. Only posers let popularity change their opinion on things.
Nothing has changed with DF, just their popularity...

Disagree with you... Their music sounds so much the same. Inhuman Rampage is a perfect example of this. From one song to the next, it sounds like the previous one. :erk:

Their first album was pretty good, second one was OK.. but this last one.. geeze...

Sorry, but you are full of it!

You're entitled to your own opinion, and I'm entitled to mine. But please knock it off with the flames and personal attacks. If you're into that stuff, please go elsewhere. That kind of stuff is not tolerated around here. Thank you.
you know, watching the kid playing, 2 things come to mind:

1. Look at all those chicks and how much they're getting into it. I lol'd
2. Wouldn't it be hilarious if, while performing life, every time the Dragonforce guys missed a note, they'd get that awful "PLOINK" sound?
No, Cellador songs actually have some sort of identity. I'm not a huge fan, but of the two i'd take Cellador head and shoulders over Dragonforce.

Sure you can prefer Cellador over DF, but saying Celladors album has better songwriting than votd/sf is insane and just wrong

2. Wouldn't it be hilarious if, while performing life, every time the Dragonforce guys missed a note, they'd get that awful "PLOINK" sound?

Sure, they arent ace live or try to be as I see it. Ive seen them once and several videos, and could never say 'wow theyre playing so bad, what song is it I cant even tell?"
I don't know that many people who say Dragonforce sold out. Most people complain about how they still write the same song over and over. Of course the first time you hear it, you may like it. However, by the 3rd album of the same exact stuff, enough is enough. Sure, I don't always like it when a band sounds absolutely nothing like when I first started listening to them but I still want to feel like they're attempting to branch out.
Maybe I'm old fashioned, but I would be far more impressed if he could have played the real song on a real guitar. I don't mean any disrespect to the kid on the show - that was fun to watch.

I am a video gamer myself who has completed Guitar Hero III on easy only. While impressive, where can that take him? It's great that Guitar Hero is helping to bring back some good music to the masses (some quality 80's metal for one), but I can't get too excited over a kid who spends 3 hours a day playing a video game. My 12 year old has completed the Dragonforce tune on expert, and while cool to watch, it's not nearly as impressive as him working through a Randy Rhoads solo on his guitar (which he can do also). The time spent on that guitar shaped object might take him somewhere, where the Guitar Hero controller won't.

I'm reminded of Cartman - "Real guitars are for old people..." - which sounds wrong to me...

It's a joke on South Park's part. Guitar Hero is a GAME that has ZERO to do with actual guitar. People who equate the two are indeed old farts. ;)

It's like saying "why are you playing GTA when you can go jack cars in real life?"
i like the new dragonforce cd, its not bad. but what i hate is seeing punks who listen to dragonforce then wont even bother checking out the true titans of the genre. Dragonforce may be one of the more dominant figures in sales in the genre, but everyone that knows anything about power metal or its respective metal cousins (progressive, melodic, ect) knows that there are acts in the same vein which far exceed the work of dragonforce. i take nothing from dragonforce, people say they suck live and are a "studio band" ive never seen them live, so i cant say, and their cd sounds fine to me, and they are finding success, more power to them. i just wish you know other bands that really deserve that recognition get it, cause it saddens me to see the boys from circus maximus in the spot dragonforce should be in and vice versa.

i think the reason alot of metal fans turned on them is not so much cause they "sold out", i really think thats a stupid term, but i wont get into that. i think its just the massive amount of attention dragonforce gets from the people who otherwise wouldnt have given a shit if they had not saw their shirt in a store like hot topic. i think people deep down are pissed off that (insert band name here) is 100x better than dragonforce and is in roughly the same vein but dragonforce gets all the spotlight.

thats just my take on it, break down my post, critique it, take it all super literal and flame at will, idc.
Sure you can prefer Cellador over DF, but saying Celladors album has better songwriting than votd/sf is insane and just wrong

Sure, they arent ace live or try to be as I see it. Ive seen them once and several videos, and could never say 'wow theyre playing so bad, what song is it I cant even tell?"

cellador didnt exactly blow me away with their live performance....

i cant imagine DF being much worse than cellador live.
I found it interesting that th audience was going nuts for the kid playing GH, where they probably wouldn't care if the Dragonforce guy came out and played the tune.

Oh, and that "greatest hits" commercial was a riot.

I found it interesting that th audience was going nuts for the kid playing GH, where they probably wouldn't care if the Dragonforce guy came out and played the tune.

Oh, and that "greatest hits" commercial was a riot.


I'm guessing the audience went nuts because it was a kid, and people like that sorta stuff.

I'm also guessing the audience at the Ellen Degeneres show has no interest in seeing metal guitar performed live. But, just a guess.