Nick Crow 8505 Lead - Guitar Amp VST plug-in

I can't help but feel like my TSS -> 8505 recordings sound cleaner than your hardware TS -> 8505. Not to go completely off-topic with it, but have you (or has anyone else) done enough tinkering with a "hardware TS vs software TS" experiment to determine which commonly gives you the results you may be looking for at any given time? I've experimented with both, but I've got no real consensus. I'm very tempted to say that a real TS9 actually muds up your tone a little bit, especially in the direct realm. I just can't remember if that's the conclusion I really came to..
I left a ground loop in there to boost the noise floor of the 8505 to match that of the real 6505. The one thing that always threw me was how 'clean' the modelers were due to a lower noise floor. Now it's a more even field.

As far as real TS vs TSS and the like, the real TS won out when I did some shoot-outs a while back. It's all down to how the TS and amp are dialed. The tone here could be said to be a bit overgained, but since the 6505 is no longer around my place I can't reamp it with lower gain settings.
Just a heads up, I adjusted my comparison to reflect what the 8505 would sound like with a real TS, compared to an actual 6505 head with the same TS. I adjusted until I got the sim as audibly similar to the actual head as I practically could. Same links, just updated:
The 6505 sounds more saturated and full, but really similar tone. Nice work.

Are the settings between the real amp and the sim really different?
No post-processing, right?
Nick, I just tried it out, and THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!

You are a genius... the fact that the oversampling can be switched off but will be switched on for bouncing is a life-saver for me, because as I recently mentioned in regard to the 7170, I can't even OPEN two instances of that one without my old Athlon XP CPU breaking the CPU meter barrier.
With 8505 it is a breeze, now I can have all TSS and 8505 instances running and play back the project without the crackling of death and my CPU instantly going into an epileptical breakdown. :D

To this day I was still using Wagner 0.6 because that was the only ampsim being easy on the CPU as long as I didn't start playback, so I could have several instances open for quadtracking (to listen to my changes I always had to bounce though).

Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!
Jesus wept! Insane tone and playing! :worship:notworthy

Thanks for the screens. Mind taking us through the chain to see how it all fits together?



From your post, you're using the SoloC in front of the 8505 as a boost?

The way I read it you're going SoloC -> 8505 -> impulse, correct?

Nick... this sounds amazing. Thank you SO MUCH for all the work you put into everything for us.
What about talking to the guys at apulSoft? They have ported some free Windows plugins to Mac VST and AU.

From what I've heard from the samples in this thread, this amp simulator really sounds awesome!
The 6505 sounds more saturated and full, but really similar tone. Nice work.

Are the settings between the real amp and the sim really different?
No post-processing, right?

Similar in some respects but not so in others.

The main difference was that the gain on the sim was cranked to full in order to match the gain from the amp at around 4 to 6, or wherever I had it.

The mids were similar, around the 0.5 mark for both. The highs similar in the 7 mark. The lows were different with the real one being around 5 and the sim being more around 3.

No post-processing whatsoever on the samples, short of having a Sonnox Limiter on the master bus, taking off about 3 dB from the drums, adding dither but otherwise being transparent.

I agree that it's quite impressive in nature. I also wonder where that last 5 to 10% of quality disappears in amp sims. Is it a limitation of current hardware and not being able to implement adequate antialiasing? Regardless Nick's efforts really put into question the need to pay for software amp sims. It is really amazing that he does this for free. Thank you Nick!
very cool plugin, works really nice with the tss plug in front of it.
thanx Nickcrow, keep up the great work.