Nick Crow 8505 Lead - Guitar Amp VST plug-in

seriously with
wagner II

just make sims of:
Mesa dual
marshall jcm800
Mark IV
and a tube screamer

make a bundle with them all and sell it
the guys of revalver, th1, line6, vandal, etc would be pretty much fucked
Definitly i'm gonna create a group in facebook or something,demanding for mac versions!!!

Come on Nick...maybe you have a friend with a macintosh computer?? XD

Great job as always man!
Nick, I'll buy whatever you create, man. There's nothing better. You create these things with features and capabilities that fit -perfectly- in line with the way I like to operate, I couldn't ask for more. You have the entire community's full, undivided attention, brother.

If we're throwing model ideas into a hat, in addition to wanting to hear a convincing Mesa or Marshall replica, you ought to do a Boss HM2.

In fact, I'd be willing to wager a line of pedal sims from you would be incredible. Between the TS9 and the HM2, you'd sell hundreds of copies to just this forum. BUT! As long as you're interested in making amp sims, please carry on! Pedals can go to hell if there's a Krank and a Mesa in the future!
Thank you SO much for this Nick! It sounds great.

I have a question about using it though...

I plug my guitar into my toneport, and turn off all effects and all amp/cab simulation, and then just record a direct signal of my guitar into my DAW, and then put your plugin on and then Boogex. It sounds good, but there is often a lot of clipping going on. If I turn down the overall volume in gearbox for my toneport, there is no clipping, but the signal sounds very weak and undergained. I'm using the settings Dendelium posted.

Can anyone tell me if I'm doing something blatantly wrong?
Thanks for your gorgeous work Nick. I´m really looking foward to see your attempt on a Mesa Dual Rectifier, just hope that it´s not on the bottom of the list of amps that you want to model.
By the way, is it too difficult to make stereo versions of your next plugins (to put on stereo group channels)? I think that tweak the ampsim knobs while hearing the effect on both tracks of a doubletracked guitar is gold, even taking twice CPU power.

Also, to state the obvious, a plugin with the following chain built in would be the dream to most of us. Kind of the plugin to end all plugins.
Noise gate -> Tube Screamer sim -> Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier sim -> Impulse loader
A big LOL @ all the richmen who could afford to buy grossly overpriced macs moaning that they cant use many great free plugins that are windows only.

Just spend some lunchmoney to buy a pc or buy some grossly overpriced mac ampsim plugins and grossly overpriced ir convolvers !
[UEAK]Clowd;8230143 said:
Nick Crow is a straight up genius.

Imagine what the code for these sims must look like? :OMG::loco:

I'd actually really like to know. I'd like to get into making plugins...although I cant really spare the time right now. I will be graduating soon (mech. engineering) and I plan to learn more about coding plugins. I can only hope to make one as nice as any of Nick's sims.

Thanks again, Nick!
How 'bout a Matamp sim? I've yet to see anyone else do one, even in commercial software... which confuses me, because those amps are the shit.
A big LOL @ all the richmen who could afford to buy grossly overpriced macs moaning that they cant use many great free plugins that are windows only.

Just spend some lunchmoney to buy a pc or buy some grossly overpriced mac ampsim plugins and grossly overpriced ir convolvers !

Oh you . . . I have pc's, I just don't want to use them for music. Besides, I can use that money for hookers. :lol: