Nick Crow 8505 Lead - Guitar Amp VST plug-in

Oh you . . . I have pc's, I just don't want to use them for music. Besides, I can use that money for hookers. :lol:
Except for the hookers part, +1

I will never go back to windumb for music..
buying a mac was the best decision i ever made :lol:

and by the way, logic comes with an ampsim, and revalver mkIII for OS X is priced the same as windows :p
AND logic already comes with an IR simulation plugin.
A big LOL @ all the richmen who could afford to buy grossly overpriced macs moaning that they cant use many great free plugins that are windows only.

Just spend some lunchmoney to buy a pc or buy some grossly overpriced mac ampsim plugins and grossly overpriced ir convolvers !

Ermm...definitly im not a richman.I worked my ass so hard to get my mac :S and all my audio stuffs. Sure i'm not the only one here.

Hope that Nick can consider mac users in the near future

Cmon guys, no need to get butthurt. Everyone's fragile egos are what turn these threads into needless mac vs pc debates. Be happy with what you got... us PC users miss out on Logic and Metric Halo (no loss to me, but maybe it is to someone else).

These amp sims from Nick are fantastic, but at the end of the day they're still only tools for demoing or scratch tracks. Any half decent amp sim will fill that need, it's just that these will let the guitar player 'vibe' more and get more amp feel from their playing. At the end of the day we should all be mic'ing the real thing to get our final tones. The sims aren't all the way there yet.
These amp sims from Nick are fantastic, but at the end of the day they're still only tools for demoing or scratch tracks. Any half decent amp sim will fill that need, it's just that these will let the guitar player 'vibe' more and get more amp feel from their playing. At the end of the day we should all be mic'ing the real thing to get our final tones. The sims aren't all the way there yet.

It's funny, because I'm genuinely considering going all digital, or very nearly all digital with guitars.
I can DEFINATELY see why Joey Sturgis uses Pod Farm.
It makes it really, REALLY easy to process guitars and get a sound that works in a MIX. It doesn't sound entirely real, of course, but I'd say it works for certain styles of mixes.
Joey does very over the top, very "protools-y" (no offence joey, not a bad thing,) very modern, hi def metal recordings, and that's what I go for, and that's probably why it works for him, and that's probably why it's been working for me recently.
For more organic stuff I'm sure I'd be using real amps.
I listened to the 6505 first, then the 8505, and I just instantly smiled when I heard the 8505. I was expecting this really yucky harsh digital crap but I was so wrong.

Holy crap Nick, do you realize that you're like... I don't know, competing with the top notch stuff right now? I mean, if you keep going like this, you'll surpass everything. You sir, deserve some donations!
It's funny, because I'm genuinely considering going all digital, or very nearly all digital with guitars.
I can DEFINATELY see why Joey Sturgis uses Pod Farm.
It makes it really, REALLY easy to process guitars and get a sound that works in a MIX. It doesn't sound entirely real, of course, but I'd say it works for certain styles of mixes.
Joey does very over the top, very "protools-y" (no offence joey, not a bad thing,) very modern, hi def metal recordings, and that's what I go for, and that's probably why it works for him, and that's probably why it's been working for me recently.
For more organic stuff I'm sure I'd be using real amps.

I totally understand where you're coming from. The sheer convenience of going all digital makes it almost worthwhile. I'm sure within the next several years most of us will have made the jump to all digital, as DSP power increases and the algorithms get more exact. There are too many drawbacks to sticking with analogue, and I'm sure as with most of the appliances in our lives, digital will take over.

At the moment though, the super-clean all ITB metal productions are GRATING my ears. I absolutely can't stand them for the most part. I've been confining myself largely to listening to stuff mixed almost entirely with outboard gear and I love it. It may not be as clean and slick but it has a certain vibe and character that resonates more with what I want to be hearing. There is no point hearing that snare transient pop out 3dB above the mix body if all it does is offend you, if you know what I'm saying.
I totally understand where you're coming from. The sheer convenience of going all digital makes it almost worthwhile. I'm sure within the next several years most of us will have made the jump to all digital, as DSP power increases and the algorithms get more exact. There are too many drawbacks to sticking with analogue, and I'm sure as with most of the appliances in our lives, digital will take over.

At the moment though, the super-clean all ITB metal productions are GRATING my ears. I absolutely can't stand them for the most part. I've been confining myself largely to listening to stuff mixed almost entirely with outboard gear and I love it. It may not be as clean and slick but it has a certain vibe and character that resonates more with what I want to be hearing. There is no point hearing that snare transient pop out 3dB above the mix body if all it does is offend you, if you know what I'm saying.
Your funny dude, you think about things way to much.
I totally understand where you're coming from. The sheer convenience of going all digital makes it almost worthwhile. I'm sure within the next several years most of us will have made the jump to all digital, as DSP power increases and the algorithms get more exact. There are too many drawbacks to sticking with analogue, and I'm sure as with most of the appliances in our lives, digital will take over.

At the moment though, the super-clean all ITB metal productions are GRATING my ears. I absolutely can't stand them for the most part. I've been confining myself largely to listening to stuff mixed almost entirely with outboard gear and I love it. It may not be as clean and slick but it has a certain vibe and character that resonates more with what I want to be hearing. There is no point hearing that snare transient pop out 3dB above the mix body if all it does is offend you, if you know what I'm saying.

I could NOT agree with you more. Everyone tells me I'm retarded for hating Periphery/Bulb recordings, but fuckin' come on. A lot of those recordings sound the way it would feel to be shrink-wrapped in a complete latex suit. No air or comfort, just pure suffocation and panic. The songs are great, but I feel like djent would go so much further if it was recorded like a fuckin Pantera record or something.
I could NOT agree with you more. Everyone tells me I'm retarded for hating Periphery/Bulb recordings, but fuckin' come on. A lot of those recordings sound the way it would feel to be shrink-wrapped in a complete latex suit. No air or comfort, just pure suffocation and panic. The songs are great, but I feel like djent would go so much further if it was recorded like a fuckin Pantera record or something.

I was all like "yeah i respect this dudes opinion" up until the point where you said "recorded like a fuckin pantera record" and i vomited in my mouth a little bit.

no offence or anything.
Edit: I had a response, but I'm not interested in taking conversation further away from the 8505. Dodo, PM me if you have any problems with my taste in records.
I'm pretty sure Ermz was talking about more than just djent stuff dude ;)

The man knows me :cool:

Probably a bit melodramatic saying it GRATES my ears, but I've really been feeling a distance from that stuff lately. The super-punchy clean productions that used to get me pumped now just seem like they're flavorless. We all go through phases and this seems to be my analogue kick. Which is all the better when I can say that the 8505 kicks serious arse! It's going to get some serious use here as a tracking sim. Can't wait :)

I think if anything the cab modeling IR technology is a bigger drawback than where the amp sims are currently at. That seems to be the larger bottleneck. Speaking of which, if any of you guys can reamp this thing through a real power amp and cab (ahem MARCUSYAPRICK) that'd be ace.
I've gotta say, the mac users really moan about it :( I don't wanna speak on behalf of Nick but come on, appreciate that he does this at all.. for FREE. You know... as in no-cost?

After I've tried all the amp sims and settled down for a tone I like, I WILL be donating. I hope several people do :)

Dual tracked and boosted with SoloC, Ryan's Awesometime fredman impulses

Hey Erik, could you post that song with only one single guitar, like panned center or something?

It would really help me compare it in detail with my current "best tone". I always tweak and tweak on single guitars, and I never go dual tracking and adding drums or anything until I'm satisfied or until I think the single track sounds good, but that doesn't happen so often. I'm suspecting I have an unrealistic expectation of what a single "good" guitar track sounds like alone, so if you could post yours, it would help me so much.

I really dig the tone man, hope you can post a soloed single guitar!
Nick, firstly thank you for all your efforts with these amp-sims. You have a great talent.

I was wondering if you could briefly explain how you create an amp sim?

I assume you copy the schematic of the amp, then recreate it using something like PSPICE....but it's what happens between there and the GUI that I'm not sure of.
Nick, firstly thank you for all your efforts with these amp-sims. You have a great talent.

I was wondering if you could briefly explain how you create an amp sim?

I assume you copy the schematic of the amp, then recreate it using something like PSPICE....but it's what happens between there and the GUI that I'm not sure of.

That's a secret... and if he tells you it's not gonna be a secret anymore.

Nick, Wow Man ! Congrats for this one too.:headbang:
