Nick Scott

Aug 16, 2008
London, UK
I'm just creating this thread because I've heard of a few people claiming they were ripped off by Nick and I've never been one to judge. I needed some drum editing done quite fast and Nick offered to do it. I took him up on it and it's been nothing short of a nightmare, I have label on my neck with deadlines and I needed this for 2 weeks ago, which he said he would be able to, on top of that, his communication has been appalling to say the least, almost never replies and when he does it's to come up with some excuse.

Right now I feel robbed as I don't have the drum tracks nor do I have the money refunded and I'm using this for other fellow AE's to take care when dealing with him as well as getting some exposure to hopefully get Nick to refund me the money.

I took print screens of most of the conversation that we had, just didn't take a print screen of parts that didn't really matter to the subject.

I'll let the pictures do the talking:













I don't like doing this kind of thing, but this has gone too far, I have a fairly big release in my hands and he is literally fucking my life over. Also, him saying that internet at Joey's is not working properly or whatever has to be a lie since Joey is always posting shit as well as uploaded stuff for Jeff to edit.

I hope I can at least get my money back with this and warn fellow AE's.
For what I have seen, he doesnt worth the time and the patience. But I understand your situation. I think this here shows what kind of cocksucker he is, it´s good to see this to avoid any contact about buying, mixing, editing with him.
Wow. Are you sure his account isn't hacked and it's just some scumbag coming up with excuses and using his name etc. to get people to paypal him cash for nothing? I remember his facebook account was deactivated randomly out of nowhere several weeks ago, then magically it came back, and all of his posts are very cryptic now and seem like a 2-yr old is typing.

If it is him, what a scumbag. But if it isn't, it's probably some douchebag who hacked his account making a bad name for Nick. Nick already has a bad rep for things that went down here on this forum, and I know he's trying to correct that and make a good name for himself... I just don't see him reversing all of the good he's done trying to get his image restored in the audio community.

But hey, I'm just playing devil's advocate... I may be completely wrong and it might be him just being a prick. Idk. Hopefully you will get a refund or get the service/files you paid for.
Well, no, because the e-mail he provided me is his actual e-mail (for wiring the money). Also, he's been posting pictures of him tracking with Joey, so it's definitely him.
Wow. Are you sure his account isn't hacked and it's just some scumbag coming up with excuses and using his name etc. to get people to paypal him cash for nothing? I remember his facebook account was deactivated randomly out of nowhere several weeks ago, then magically it came back, and all of his posts are very cryptic now and seem like a 2-yr old is typing.

The hacked facebook thing i'm calling bullshit on. I'm almost positive it's just another lie from him because he had a band that has been waiting for mixes for over a year trying to get after him. He temporally deleted his facebook to hide from them they claimed. They posted on his wall about it right after he made it active again but he deleted that pretty fast.
perfect team, they should get a tag team title (talking bout joey and nick)
The hacked facebook thing i'm calling bullshit on. I'm almost positive it's just another lie from him because he had a band that has been waiting for mixes for over a year trying to get after him. He temporally deleted his facebook to hide from them they claimed. They posted on his wall about it right after he made it active again but he deleted that pretty fast.

I've never commented on the NS drama, but after a few years of observing him it really seems like he's a pathological liar. The SSL shit, his shady business dealings selling mics in the Merch Stand forum, and now this? Are you kidding me? At best he's running a horribly disorganized business, and at worst he's a fucking scumbag.

fuck this dickbag

like someone else said, the whole "interwebz don't work here!" argument doesn't stand up when joey's constantly all over facebook with shit

if nothing else, he could make a trip to somewhere with public internet to upload the files, seeing how this is a paid job with a deadline that's apparently overdue as a result of his own inaction

P.S. - Pedro check your PMs
sigh, we've all fucked up and I'm the first to admit that early in my career I had some situations arise that were... well....shitty.

BUT STILL, to keep going on about 'internet issues' and the house somehow having something to do with it?

Knowing Joey, I'm sure his internet is 110%. He seems like the kind of guy to get on that shit and sort it out.

SIGH.... he's just continuing to ruin his name and reputation. He may be working with Joey now, but that won't let forever; and when that tenure DOES end, it will all come back to the NAME he made for himself and reputation.

In that regard, I believe he is quite fucked.

From now on, go to Jeff for any editing purposes. He's the BEST, FASTEST and most PROFESSIONAL engineer as far as editing is concerned. I'm quite positive it's the same all around, but just being SPECIFIC.... Jeff gets the vibe, GETS the groove and edits everything to fit the MUSIC.

Not everyone edits the same and editing in the type of music most of us do is CRUCIAL to how 'professional' your final product comes out.

If I can trust Jeff to edit a Metal Blade release for me, LAST MINUTE, and him have it done within a weekend with the EXACT sound I was looking for; I think that's saying a lot.


i don't understand why you didn't just diy after the first sign of failure?

...i'm not trolling, that is a serious statement.

also, i'm not defending anyone either. i just think (in my experience) it would have made it a lot easier if you just went elsewhere after any inclination of a problem. i don't need to tell you that a huge part of working with labels and their unrealistic turn around requirements relies heavily on your ability to get shit done... without any excuses.
Nick has always been fairly morally disingenuous/reprehensible, Joey is also a bit of a snake and has elements of the same deep seated insecurity complex so I'm not surprised they get on so well together. Nothing unexpected to be noted here but a lesson not to trust people with a history of lying and a bad rap when it comes to delivering, I hope you get your money back though and your project turns out well.
still waiting on him to send something from the merch stand from months ago. He occasionally texts/messages on facebook, but I'm not that far from making a road trip to get what I paid for...