I disagree; I have clients pay with that feature all the time because I don't want $35-50 to be taken out of every payment I get; that's like a week's worth of groceries. Most of them have no problem with it because I'm trying to run a legitimate business and fucking people over generally doesn't lead to more customers (oddly enough it seems to work for Nick, though... maybe I'm doing this wrong).
^^Gift option to avoid fees = zero protection.
Still no closure on this?!? =/ Has Nick been banned from the forum?
I'll be honest, I didn't know much about the previous shaddy-ness with this guy. Heard a bit of it, then one day he posted something on FB about "PA people hit me up", so I asked him what was up and he had a friend stranded about an hour from me and said friend needed a ride to Ohio....said he'd pay well. I didn't have wheels at the time, and even if I did, wouldn't have sacrificed 14 hours of my day to make the death haul across PA.
14 hours? What kind of old woman are you?![]()
I'd have had to go to Scranton which is about an hour north of me, then to Ohio....you ever drive west through PA? It's like fucking 6 hours dude! So At least 12-14 hrs round trip.
According to Google Maps, it'd be 962 miles, 16 hrs 44 mins. 0.o
Hahaha, yeah. 'Tis all good brotha.
Did I just read something on FB about your new album coming out?!