Like Glass...
I really don't understand you people adoring this album... Ok it is of course good cos it's Katatonia, but I surely have expected more after all this time. I didn't expect a worse version of TGCD. I have to say that sometimes the keys are really out of place. Some parts of the songs are too mellow. It's also sad to see that there are no more big choruses. The only one that might get near to those mighty Katatonia choruses is The Promise of Deceit. Actually after a few more spins now I'm quiet sure it is the best song in the album. And yes Linder is very good in Departer actually. I think Katatonia should have taken that direction in all of the songs. Then I could have understood the lack of big choruses. I see a lot of points to complaint about, I now after seeing you guys liking it so much actually something is wrong with me. But I think it's the worst one of the post BMD era...
Disappointed for the first time...
Have you not heard The Longest Year? The chorus is amazing.