Night Is The New Day

I'm completely in love with this album from start to finish, some of the songs, such as The Promise of Deceit I didn't find very appealing, they're not bad, just harder to get into than others. The same thing happens on every album, I never cared much for Soil's Song on the last record for a long time, now I make it a point to listen start to finish on every spin.

I think my favorite thing about the album right now is how similar it is to TGCD, the songs are just taken to a new level of dynamic, with smooth inner-song transitions as well as a solid track listing. I wasn't quite ready to move on from the sounds of songs like Unfurl and Deliberation, so I found this album a welcome surprise.

Top Songs Thus Far:
The Longest Year
Idle Blood
Departer (the section with guest vocals might be one of my favorite Kata moments ever)
Well I am still not listening to the final 5 tracks until I get my cd in the mail. However, from what I have heard, I don't quite understand the comments about uncatchy choruses? I find the choruses of "Onward Into Battle", "The Promise Of Deceit", "Idle Blood" and "Forsaker" every bit as catchy as the songs people are listing from TGCD. The only song I disagree with is "Deliberation". For some reason that song never really caught my interest that much nor did it strike me as having a chorus with a great hook to it. The only thing I can say about NITND is that a few of the choruses seem to come out of nowhere and appear during an irregular beat. Like I've heard through the first chorus of "Day And Then The Shade" and for some reason it seems like it's the wrong sounding chorus for that song and isn't as powerful as the verses. I know a couple other songs also had a weird tempo change to them but I can't remember which ones. I'll have to give a more in-depth description once I hear the whole cd for myself.
To all u pedantic people here in the forum:
Katatonia have put their asses in a rathole to create this fantastic album for you!

And You? Oh, the songs are too short ... there are no lead guitars ... no big choruses ... it's not complex enough ... lack of diversity ... to pick up just a few of those silly phrases you typed in.

Wake up! Listen to the album, enjoy the songs ... and after 6 months you come back, relaxed - without the childish expectations you had in mind before the album was released - and then you can judge, a bit. Ok?

And you can be lucky that Katatonia are not AC/DC or Motörhead, right?
They work really hard, so please show respect!
Why was none of this mentioned when TGCD was released? The songs on that album are extremely striped, and pretty much consist of alternating between heavy riff verses, and calm atmospheric guitar feedback verses while Jonas sings subtly over every song. The signature melodic leads were nonexistent, and the choruses imo weren't all that catchy. Certainly no choruses on the record that hold a candle melodically to the stronger ones done on the prior two albums. I've listened to the record numerous times, and none of the songs have their own character. Every song drifts into the next.

Now there really wasn't any dynamics to the b-sides alternative dub/urban versions of the tracks, but they were much more interesting because the electronics layers really added to the overall atmosphere of the songs. The outcome was what sounded to me like how the songs where intended to sound. If this cd is more of that then I definitely feel it will be an improvement over TGCD. Just my opinion.
To all u pedantic people here in the forum:
Katatonia have put their asses in a rathole to create this fantastic album for you!

And You? Oh, the songs are too short ... there are no lead guitars ... no big choruses ... it's not complex enough ... lack of diversity ... to pick up just a few of those silly phrases you typed in.

Wake up! Listen to the album, enjoy the songs ... and after 6 months you come back, relaxed - without the childish expectations you had in mind before the album was released - and then you can judge, a bit. Ok?

And you can be lucky that Katatonia are not AC/DC or Motörhead, right?
They work really hard, so please show respect!

Hear hear!!!
I don't understand what there is to complain about, it's friggin' fantastic!
Nephilim sounds like a creepy doom lullaby, it's so awesome! I really can't get enough of this album, Liberation and New Night are addictive.
I didnt like TGCD, but NITND has blown me away. To be honest, I was expecting a very chunky riff filled album and I know I wouldnt have enjoyed that, but what they have done on this album is really breath taking. Well done to the band.
I think that this Album grows on you.It is getting better and better after so many times listening.

And yeah,the production is pretty good,too.

The 'lalalala' part in Nephilim is interesting.
I felt disappointed at first,maybe because I was kinda predisposed to their old verse/chorus/verse song structure...but after listening to it so many times , this time around I must say that is growing on me faster than any other katatonia album did before.
This is definitly not TGCD. Although it develops on the idea.

It is not pre viva either.

But it shows Katatonia writing quality songs again that I felt somewhat vanished a bit after LFDGD.

Is it their best? Well yes I guess it is, but its not my favorite. Thats the difference and why many here getting in a twist. There is no doubt this is their best, you can hear the craftmanship and professionalism that has gone into this work of art.

But I wouldn't cry to this album like I would with Discouraged Ones for example.

But there are some really catchy bits that still stick out and grab me in usual Katz style.

"Its Part of the lie"

Songs like The longest year were instant grabbers (I noticed that many of my mates who dont listen to kat much, have only just gotten into this, im already moving on).

Foraker is actually a great opener cos its the most TGCD song on there.

some great lyrics, the best raw lyrics yet.

"Though summer unwinds now, I have no reason to follow"

I missed the lead guitars. I have to admit, I love that being a guitarest myself, but there are some great riffs on the album to make up for it.

Ashen is the bonus track, quite frankly Kats next album should be just bonus tracks I love that song its so cool!

And I hate to say it but the only song I just feel is a bit mishy mushy is "departer". It starts great but sorta gets sloppy when KL kicks in. Some probably like that and its only a minor fault.

Best moment on the album still has to be in "the longest year" when that analog synth note is held just after the first chorus, everyone who i play it to comments just at that point.

Day and then the Shade is a great track but not sure if it was a good choice for first single, it kicks in great but the longest year is more of an instant grabber.

I for one am not disappointed at all, its rare a band can kick out albums of this quality time and time again, and even rarer that they better themselves in such a way.

This album is a 10/10 for effort. The work thats gone into its production is clear and obvious. The more you listen the more you start to pick up on the ideas.

I for one would place LFDGD, Discouraged Ones and NITND all on their own shelf as Kats finest moments.
Hah, now im really addicted to this album. I was driving to school and then I press the "CD" button on my car as I thought that I had this album in there but then I remembered that "fuck I left it at home" and I were so unsatisfied :D then I had to borrow some earphones from my friend at school so I could listen the album through my Ipod (I borrowed the earphones because I have lost my own)
Anders wasn't kidding when he said this album sounds pretty ''3d''. The verses of the longest Year are a great example of this.

And I have to say Jonas' voice is perfect, especially on Onward into Battle.
To all u pedantic people here in the forum:
Katatonia have put their asses in a rathole to create this fantastic album for you!

hahaha! You think Katatonia create music for their fans? And when did they sell out again? Oh, right. They didn't.

Any halfway decent band is not going to cater their passion around what fits people best.

If you like the music; great. I'm sure they're immensely thankful and humbled. If you don't; I doubt they could give two flying shits. This isn't mainstream pop culture.

This band owes you nothing.
I think my favorite thing about the album right now is how similar it is to TGCD,
Departer (the section with guest vocals might be one of my favorite Kata moments ever)


I felt disappointed at first,maybe because I was kinda predisposed to their old verse/chorus/verse song structure...but after listening to it so many times , this time around I must say that is growing on me faster than any other katatonia album did before.

To all u pedantic people here in the forum:
Katatonia have put their asses in a rathole to create this fantastic album for you!

And You? Oh, the songs are too short ... there are no lead guitars ... no big choruses ... it's not complex enough ... lack of diversity ... to pick up just a few of those silly phrases you typed in.

Wake up! Listen to the album, enjoy the songs ... and after 6 months you come back, relaxed - without the childish expectations you had in mind before the album was released - and then you can judge, a bit. Ok?

And you can be lucky that Katatonia are not AC/DC or Motörhead, right?
They work really hard, so please show respect!

Uh, you need to wake up! Number one people are allowed to have different opinions, your opinion is no better than anyone else's. Number two, you neglected to read the ENTIRE SECOND HALF of my post where I made it clear how much I appreciate the album and have gotten past my initial complaints. Everyone imagines what the album might sound like before they hear it, get real. Number 3, I have been supporting this band and buying all of their products since 1993, so I think my love and respect for this band is clearly evident.
Why was none of this mentioned when TGCD was released? The songs on that album are extremely striped, and pretty much consist of alternating between heavy riff verses, and calm atmospheric guitar feedback verses while Jonas sings subtly over every song. The signature melodic leads were nonexistent, and the choruses imo weren't all that catchy. Certainly no choruses on the record that hold a candle melodically to the stronger ones done on the prior two albums. I've listened to the record numerous times, and none of the songs have their own character. Every song drifts into the next.

Now there really wasn't any dynamics to the b-sides alternative dub/urban versions of the tracks, but they were much more interesting because the electronics layers really added to the overall atmosphere of the songs. The outcome was what sounded to me like how the songs where intended to sound. If this cd is more of that then I definitely feel it will be an improvement over TGCD. Just my opinion.

To each thier own, it's hard for me to understand how the hooks in Deliberation, My Twin, In The White, and July didn't grab you, I thought they were catchy as hell and every bit as good as the best choruses form the prior albums, but I do no a few people who just didn't like TGCD. Honestly, I didn't like it at first but I absolutely love it now. It usually takes me awhile to adjust to each new album because of the constant evolution of the band.