Chick Wrangler
... after the show they made it a point of meeting all the fans and hanging out and tlaking with them. Annette is just the most awesome person you will meet, so humble, so caring and such a prankster, she has taken over as the prankster of the band and keeps them on their toes, she treats all the fans as if they were her best friends, and no one leaves without a autograph or picture. And JUKKA, well he is JUKKA, he hasn't changed, still the outgoing, gotta meet everyone person. Tuomas having finally gotten over those headaches, was everywhere making sure people got their pictures and autographs, the same for Marco, by the way he and I shared some Jager, and had a rip roaring time. ...
I swear they hung out at the club with the fans at every show but the one in Chicago! We hung out for about 45 minutes or an hour hoping they'd come hang out like we keep hearing they have, but we didn't see them at all.