Nightwish show rocked the box last night!


One with the ocean
Mar 13, 2005
better late then never....anyway review:

they come on around 10:30 starting with bye bye beautifull, then finsihed wayy intothe night past 12 and finsiehd around 12:20 w/ poet and the pendulam and they didnt play wish i was a angel also some guy propossed to his GF

annettee was a pirate( and a hot looking one and she has nice legs hehehe)
marco -wore his undies on stage.. but he was on teh other side of the stage most fo the time so i was mainly watching empuu and annettee
empuu-normal balck shirt black pants,came one wearing a orange hat after that one folk song(forgot the name)
jukka-rocking the bandanna
tumos-white button down shirt and a cowboy hat

other nots: got a 7 days to the wolves shirt which im rocking right now at school...also got a paradise lost Tshirt
so theres my basic review of nightwish rocking the box in seattle , oh and the show sold out, talked to a few people in line soem guy randomly played the bongoes outside,bums begged us for change, people lined up since 2pm in
the friken cold! some in a tshirt and shorts ONLY!!!

so yea im soo gona try and hit the one in vancover in may
Well I am now really feeling I should have taken a couple days off school and made it up the Seattle show the Portland show just was lacking a vibe about it, didn't even come close to selling out and crowd was quite dull imo.

came on around 9:45 and ended around 11:10
they are defiantly varying the playlist, no Wishmaster or Eva also had wanted to hear Slaying the Dreamer but they didn't do that one either
Annette is really fun on stage she seems to fit in well.
I have a new respect for 7 Day to the Wolves, it rocked pretty hard live and I really enjoyed Annette's voice on Nemo which surprised me.

Overall Portland's show was good but Seattle would have been way better just for the crowd alone.
BOOTLEG VIDEOS!!!idk if they are allowed here but if not thena mod can edit my post and delte the link: and no i didnt take it but i was next to the person who did!:
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*laughs at marco and his flaming undies* That's just funny as sin!!! And I must admit Anette looked real nice in that pirate costume!
And I must admit Anette looked real nice in that pirate costume!
That's a pirate costume? I never thought Anette was smokin hot per se, but whenever I see her in that getup I can't stop drooling
38.gif when you said Marco in undies I thought that meant like shorts or boxers or something, not like HOLYCRAP HE CHALLENGES DAVID BOWIE AS LORD OF THE PANTS @_@

Also, is that a pirate costume or a stripper costume?! @_@ Not to be vulgar but with how high that is cut you've GOT to be able to see her underwear @_@