
Stormwatch said:
...and I don't like one single band that has a bird in it.
Neither did I until I heard Original Sin, an all-female power metal band from NY. Trust me, they're insane. To this day, they're the only chick-included band that I actually enjoy.

back on topic: nightwish spew donkey shit. I've heard "once" in its entirety and thought death was inevitable.
Christie_fell said:
back on topic: nightwish spew donkey shit. I've heard "once" in its entirety and thought death was inevitable.


I've once said that Nightwish reminds me of a bad Disney score, and that quote remains intact even today.
They're OK for a Power Metal band, and as we know, power metal bands aren't that heavy to begin with. Add to that the fact that their main songwriter is the keyboardist and you have mostly keyboard-driven music with some heavy but generic riffs here and there. Their main selling point is of course Tarja who in my opinion is not that "hot" to begin with (she's actually a bit on the chubby side). She does have an amazing voice however, and that's what elevates Nightwish's music above most generic sounding power metal or goth bands.
their songs sound all the same to me now.. tarja look like a gothic mom.. and since when r they considered power metal? :err:
desert_demon said:
They're OK for a Power Metal band, and as we know, power metal bands aren't that heavy to begin with.

Yeah, shitty flower power bands like nightwish, rhapsody, stratovarius and whatever would really like to make you believe that. But there's Power Metal beyond euro flowercore garbage, remember.
Such negativity. I personally think Nightwish is awesome. And why bash on Stratovarius? They're good too. What the shit...kind of reminds me of the time when some dude was talking shit about Death and I asked him how much Death he really had heard. He replied with "A couple songs" or something like that. I gave him a list of Death songs to check out and he did just that. After he heard the list, he was blown away and loved Death.
I ended up being terribly disappointed with Once.

Wishmaster and Oceanborn are winners, though. And Century Child has its moments of brilliance and those of boredom.

Tarja is not attractive, sorry. I only value her operatic vocals, which were much more prominent than on later albums. She's no genius or anything, but they were damn distinctive and adequately performed. The band's sound is distinctive on its own, though. They have this unusual guitar tone and plodding rhythm with insane synthesizers. Kind of like Dream Theater meets power metal without wank and good riffs.

However, I had the immense disfortune of seeing a video clip of "Wish I Had An Angel." Wow. Someone kill that fudgepacker with the bass guitar. His antics alone ruined everything. Plus, the song has a shitty dance beat. WTF.