
Nightfish is about as entertaining as watching my toe nails grow...........noooooooo, I take that back the second option is much more entertaining.
Word, negro.

FP, I wanted to tell you that you are one of the few people that make me wish for the return of positive rep.
I am a fan of this band. Century Child is my favorite album from this band, followed closely by Oceanborn. Once was a major disappointment for me, as it's too industrial, too much of the crappy male vocals (Marco is not nearly as bad as Tuomas though), and the songs are a little too simplistic for my liking.

I think Century Child was a cool mix of heavy guitars and symphonic atmosphere, while Wishmaster and Oceanborn are incredibly symphonic and have Tarja's best vocal moments.
I love Nightwish and I consider them one of my favorite bands, and the only album that I didn't like is Century Child. There are couple of good songs in it but there lot's of crap like: Bless The Child and Oceansoul. My personal favorite Nightwish is Wishmaster. Wishmaster is a fucking amazing album ane one of my favorite albums ever!