nintendo wii


Drug the Priest
May 30, 2005
the bowels of lochness
is that thing out yet? what are your thoughts? Personally it seems like a big step in the video game industry, but you never know. It could flop and turn out to be the biggest gimmick since the virtual boy.

It just sounds like a good idea, and with the 200$ price tag. How can nintendo lose?
I think Nintendo is on the right track with this one. Instead of competing with the others, they're going to go in an entirely different direction. The fact that you can use your controller like an actual sword or tool or whatever with live motion is something that's never been done since...well, since NINTENDO'S powerglove in the 80's. It's very innovative.

Let's face it: Nintendo doesn't have very many games, but the ones they do have completely own everything else. Also, you'll be able to play NES, SNES, N64, and FUCKING SEGA GENESIS games on the new console. How cool is that?
Let's face it: Nintendo doesn't have very many games, but the ones they do have completely own everything else. Also, you'll be able to play NES, SNES, N64, and FUCKING SEGA GENESIS games on the new console. How cool is that?

Lies, Nintendo were once the videogame tyrants!

But that aside, it won't stop me from getting a Wii. :kickass:
Wii is cheap, I swore off consoles but I'll probably get it because it's 1/2 to 1/3 the cost of the others.
This is THE best Console as of now. OWNS PS3 and XBOX360 no doubt. Before i get a PS3, this is the first on my list. And no, i will not sell it to get my PS3. Mayb if it was an X360 i would. And Redsteel PWNS JOO!!!
looks so good, not just another update on the old console

I specially like the controller, the thing with being able to play old games again (backwards compatiable? not sure) and not just going for improved graphics.

I can't afford one right now though :| only came out last week I think in England.
theres no harm in waiting :) besides, prices will drop the more u wait..atleast by abit. evn if ye think of gettin one now, i dont think ye can. Nintendo seems to b unable to deliver on the promise made of availability..

And yeah it is backward compatible with most, if not all GameCube games. Other classic platform games like those frm SNES, NES, N64, Sega Gen can b emulated legally.
Thats awesome! I heard ps3 is having problems playing some ps2 games already

I love nintendo for their origional thinking, first ds with touch screen and 2 screens and 3D graphics and microphone and wifi as a pose to 1 screen 3D graphics gay internet connection, now Wii with new controllers, not just improving graphics, everything old is new again, free net connection and everything

im a little enthusiastic about nintendo. I wonder if anyone's developed a linux operating system to put on the Wii yet (?)

There was one thing though I heard on the news about the wire for the control not being thick enough and loads of Nintendo's were being taken back cos they had to make thicker wires (can anyone clarify this?)
yes correct. the controller issue..its being handled. well its new and it is the FIRST flaw for Wii :lol: We have seen consoles being released and theoretically there is always atleast one "glitch" in new hardware. Mayb i can go far as to say its mathematical but that would b overanalysis hahah..

Nintendo goes way back man..and the Wii is something innovative we all have been waiting for from such a company. Like many say, its the gameplay and games that matter. That is very true because u need to know what type of a gamer u are..say for instance ur diehard on photo-realistic fighting. Then the PS3 or X360 would do u justice. Thats the kind of person i am, but games like Redsteel and the new Zelda release for Wii is too tempting..
plus i wanna get back to all those classic games i'v missed out on and also GameCube.

I dont think Nintendo would b eager about Linux as much as PS3. The way i see it - Sony = Linux, Microsoft (Xbox) = Microsoft (OS), Nintendo = MAC OS? LOL. But ye know, if Xbox owners are running Linux then there is no reason that enthusiasts wont come up with a solution for "Linux on Wii" :) Anyway heres an article:
yeha i have it, i only got it for the new zelda game, wich is brilliant. its a massive step up from the gamecube wich in my opinion was close to sin, but other then that nintendo has always been the trend starter in gaming consol world. not the best but the begining of most trends.
The only thing I don't like about the wii is that it doesnt run games in HD, the component cables must be bought online and a new controller was fucking 130 bucks!

Zelda and Wii Sports Boxing owns my cock though.
I had planned on ignoring the Wii as it just didn't seem all that to me compared to the other two, but, I had the chance to play it at my brother in laws this past wek. Let me tell you, it was the most fun I have had in a while on a console! This is just with the stock games too (bowling, golf, boxing, baseball). The controller setup on this thing is as revolutionary (I think) as they say, and if it only gets better from here I'll be paying attention. It was very, very cool to play.
and about the Linux as OS in Wii, i have to report that it is not so a hoax any longer. Its an updatable OS system so one can use the supported distro to update current Wii OS.
It pisses me off. I played my brother's Zelda for 10 hours only to encounter some retarded glitch making it impossible to proceed in the game.
im so f*king pissed off at myself for not pre-oredering the Wii, but whatever there is just one good game out anyway (Zelda) right?
Been thinking about buying Red Steel too, but with the bad reviews im unsure.
what do you think about the game??
so redsteel isnt good? havnt been readin up on reviews bt will do now :lol:

anyway when i get Wii i'll probli b playin more gamecube games