No love for Relapse lately?

I'm not so much a fan of the label as the bands on it - overall, I'd say I'm far more of a Willowtip or Hyrda Head fanboy - in the case of Willowtip, I bought Capharnaum - Fractured and Crowpath - Red On Chrome from a stall at the Download Festival for £8 each last weekend, and I've been blasting those two CDs incessantly since. :)
Can somone tell me why they like Metalcore?

That sounds like an attack, but really im just curious. Just wondering why people like Metalcore/what draws them to it?
I'm not even sure what metalcore is anymore. Melodic death metal, modern thrash and hardcore all seem to have tangled together in a mush of not-quite-similar but not-quite-distinct bands over the last six months or so. Trivium get written off as a metalcore band, but their dual guitar interplay and soloing is equal parts Megadeth and Maiden at times, and their songs include stadium rock 'hey' chants 'A Gunshot To The Head Of Trepidation'. Every Time I Die almost sound like a more rocka rolla Converge at times, but they're just 'metalcore'. Lamb Of God sound like a thrashier Pantera, but they're 'metalcore'.

It's become just as useless and nebulous a tag as 'nu-metal' was before it - a tired, meaningless tag haphazardly pinned onto any new band that dares release a CD on something other than a white label run from their bedroom.

</rant off>
dill_the_devil said:
I'm not so much a fan of the label as the bands on it - overall, I'd say I'm far more of a Willowtip or Hyrda Head fanboy - in the case of Willowtip, I bought Capharnaum - Fractured and Crowpath - Red On Chrome from a stall at the Download Festival for £8 each last weekend, and I've been blasting those two CDs incessantly since. :)

Add me for the HydraHead worship :worship:
I guess I like some metalcore, but like Dill, I'm not even sure who actually is considered metalcore. Most of the bands today that are considered as such, I do not like. I like some of the mid-period -core stuff like Life of Agony, Kiss It Goodbye, Deadguy, Botch, etc, but when people mention "metalcore" these days, it seems those bands are not even thought of.
The term metalcore is so stupid, because people toss that name onto bands w/o taking into consideration what they sound like. Like Lamb of God, they are a thrash band and nothing more. Yet the metalcore stigma gets attached to them because they are on Ozzfest, or MTV, or have a short-haired singer, or whatever. Also bands like Dillinger Escape Plan, who 5 years ago would be called grindcore and sound NOTHING like Lamb of God, are today called metalcore. I don't know why. Short and skinny of it, I agree with Dill. :D

Burnt by the Sun are probably as close to authentic hardcore that I can enjoy. Those dudes fucking rule, and I even really dig their vocalist.
One Inch Man said:
Like Lamb of God, they are a thrash band and nothing more.

I think the Thrash lable gets tossed around to easily. How is Lamb of God a Thrash Metal band?

The tearm "Modern Tharsh" earlier in this post, who do you consider to be Modern Thrash?

EDIT: Also, thanks for answering guys.
Hey could like, someone like, upload like, one o' them thar like Crowpath like songs and some junk? Been wanting to check them out for some time now.
bongzilla, mastodon, and pig destroyer totally rule. dillinger, high on fire, necrophagist, nile, neurosis, and today is the day are worth mentioning as well. old bands like amorphis, converge and phobia rule too. its a pretty decent label. they do have lots of crap though for sure.
circus_brimstone said:
Buried Inside rule, though. :headbang:
You know they're playing in Louisville soon? Can't remember exactly when and where, but I thought about trying to go, or seeing if I could get a freebie and cover it for MR.
One Inch Man said:
Hey could like, someone like, upload like, one o' them thar like Crowpath like songs and some junk? Been wanting to check them out for some time now.
You can grab "Kings Among Cockroaches" from If you want to hear some more I can hook you up. Red on Chrome was one of my favorites from last year. Capharnaum's Fractured was up there too. I thought the Arsis album was pretty solid too.
matt99_crew said:
You know they're playing in Louisville soon? Can't remember exactly when and where, but I thought about trying to go, or seeing if I could get a freebie and cover it for MR.

I had no idea! Thanks for the heads up. Here's the info I dug up:

Louisville, KY United States
Keswick Democratic Club
Buried Inside w/ Coliseum, Baroness

You ever been to that place? I've only driven past it, but it looks seedy as hell. And it's not in the best part of town, but I suppose metal is all about putting yourself in danger. :tickled:
Kickass, thanks Matt.

Willowtip is fucking awesome, man they got some FUCKED up bands on that label.
circus_brimstone said:
I had no idea! Thanks for the heads up. Here's the info I dug up:

Louisville, KY United States
Keswick Democratic Club
Buried Inside w/ Coliseum, Baroness

You ever been to that place? I've only driven past it, but it looks seedy as hell. And it's not in the best part of town, but I suppose metal is all about putting yourself in danger. :tickled:
Ah yeah, that's it. The reason I decided not to go is that it's only two days after the COC/Alabama Thunderpussy/Fu Manchu show at Headliners. I AM covering that for MR. The family man probably can't get away to two shows in the same week. And no, I've never been to that place, not even sure where it is. I thought about going to see DEP there though. Also, Soilent Green is playing (say, another Relapse band) in September--not sure if you're a fan.