Nobody is wearing green!!!


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
I've walked by about 15 coworkers so far, NO GREEN!!!

You fuckerz better be wearing green, because if not I'm going to e-pinch you, bitchez!!! :Spin:

I'm wearing my green mario mushroom 1-up shirt under my non green work clothes.

you should be like this lady in my office, who just has a green permanent marker and is running around marking everyone's hands for greenness, if they are lacking
..\....\........... /..../..

omg this rules
........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´
The Møøse is obviously not wearing green today, otherwise he would've responded positively to the RAISED FIST OF ASCII METAL.
"Lord of the dance! You wanna do that show the right way? Get some big, fat, beer-bellied Irish guys out there in those bullfighting jackets. Let 'em dance and drink and punch their relatives at the same time. 'What happened to your nose, it's broken?' 'Oh, I was at my cousin's wedding last night. Yep, beat up my mom. I love her, she loves me.'"
--Denis Leary
I'm not wearing anything green because I'm not Irish.

Had some nice ranting about the IRA last night :loco: scum.
my wife is part Irish. all the Irish lads I've talked to on the intarweb are cool, laid-back gents. the Irish are cool in my book.
I'm wearing this khaki green peasant blouse that's from the Gap. :p

I once talked to this guy from Ireland. He was pretty laid back and so totally hot. :D
i'm wearing a kiss shirt with green glow in the dark faces on it, and a green longsleeve thermal shirt under that. yay :Spin: